Page 6 - English 10 | Games and Activities-6
P. 6
F1 Giving and receiving advice
10 GRADE F2 Talking about rules and regulations
F3 Talking about consequences
3 KWL Activity
KWL activity aims to have students focus on giving and receiving advice around a reading activity, benefiting
from speaking, writing, reading and listening skills.
Materials and Preparation
The KWL Chart and the reading text on page 147
The teacher copies the KWL Chart and the reading text as many as the number of students.
1 Hand out the KWL Chart.
2 Explain students that the KWL Chart has three sections, each of which is to be filled by them. The first
column is allocated for what students know about the topic, which is how to learn and remember
new words here. The middle column is for what students want to learn while the third column is for
what students have learned thanks to the reading text.
3 Then, tell students to write whatever they know about how to learn and remember new words in the
first column by using phrases of advice. In the meantime, draw the KWL Chart on the board and write
a phrase to encourage them as in the following example and next, have students share what they
have written with the class and list the most common ones in the K column of the chart on the board.
E.g. You should discuss pronunciation with your friends.
4 Once you are finished with this, ask students to handle the second column, the W column, which
requires students to write questions related to what they want to learn about how to learn and
remember new words. Tell them to ask their questions in a manner seeking for advice as in the
example below. Once they have finished writing their questions, have them share the questions
with the class and write the most common ones in the middle column on the board. If you wish,
you can write all of the questions, depending on the number of them. If you notice that students
have difficulty coming up with questions, encourage them and even ask some of the key questions
for them.
E.g. How often should I revise?
Should I use online apps?
5 Hand out the reading text and ask them to read with the purpose of finding the answers to the
questions in the middle (W) column and write the answers they run into while reading, in the third
column, which is the L column.
6 When they are finished with reading, discuss the answers all together and write the best answers in
the column related.
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