Page 10 - English 10 | Games and Activities-6
P. 10


                             F1  Giving and receiving advice
         10 GRADE            F2  Talking about rules and regulations
                             F3  Talking about consequences
            10 Reminder Friends

          The activity aims to have students work collaboratively to come up with statements to remind close
          friends about the possible consequences of their actions. It is expected to help with listening, reading,
          writing and speaking skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          Worksheet on page 153
          The teacher photocopies the worksheet as many as the number of the groups.

          1  Put students into groups of four or five, depending on the size of the class.
          2  Hand out the worksheet, one for each group.
          3  Tell students that they will be working in groups to complete the dialogs, the first sentences of which
             are given on the worksheets they are holding. Tell them to imagine that the sentences given on the
             worksheet are those by a close friend, and they need to come up with sentences that will remind the
             close friend about the possible consequences of her/his actions. Share the example below so that
             they will have a better understanding of the task.

             E.g.  Close friend  I’m thinking of staying up late every night during the holiday.
                  You         Oh, that may not be a good idea. The consequences of going to bed late are not
                               good. If you go to bed late, you may not get enough sleep. If you do not get enough
                               sleep, you will not have enough energy. You may say that you will get up late. Then,
                               you will miss an important part of the day. If you miss an important part of the day,
                               you may damage your social life…

          4  Give 10 minutes for the task. Emphasize that if they cannot come up with consequences to complete
             the dialog through a group discussion, they can consult the teacher or other groups or surf the Net
             provided the website to be visited is pedagogically acceptable. At this point, the groups need to inform
             you about surfing the Net so that you can have control over the process.
          5  When the time is over, have the groups share their dialogs and discuss with the class.

             140  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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