Page 6 - English 10 | Games and Activities-8
P. 6


                             F1  Stating personal opinions in everyday conversations
                             F2  Stating preferences
         10 GRADE            F3  Stating causes and effects
                             F4  Giving an extended description and detailed information about people/places/events
             3   That’s My Opinion

          The activity aims to have students give their personal opinions on everyday life topics. It will also
          enable students to improve their inference skills through making guesses. It is expected to help
          students especially with their writing, reading, and speaking skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          Adjectives sheet and Phrases sheet on page 198
          As a preparation, the teacher photocopies the phrases sheet. Estimatingly, two or three copies will
          be enough as the phrases will be cut out and handed out randomly so that each student will hold
          one phrase. As to the adjectives sheet, the teacher photocopies as many as the number of
          1  Give each student an adjective sheet and a phrase, and inform students that they shouldn’t show
             their phrases to their friends.
          2  Ask students to write their opinions on the phrase using (an) adjective(s) from the ones given on
             the sheet, and to give reasons. If the adjectives given do not correspond to their opinions, they are
             allowed to use their own adjectives.

             E.g. In my opinion, social media is nonsense since you may contact fake accounts.
                 To me, writing blogs is helpful but difficult because you can exchange a lot of information, but you
                 need to take time to organize, share, and follow the content.

          3  Once they are finished, have them share their opinions and discuss.

              4  Meaning Duet

          The activity aims to have students state personal opinions in everyday conversations. It also makes it
          possible for students to revise previously acquired vocabulary and patterns.

          Materials and Preparation
          The dialog strips on page 199
          As a preparation, the teacher photocopies and cuts out the dialog strips.

          1  Hand out a dialog strip to each student randomly.
          2  Tell students that they will be walking round the class with the strip they’re holding to find the best
             match with whose strip they can create a meaningful dialog.
          3  Remind students that they are to create dialogs made up of two statements by two people, which is
             why they shouldn’t be pursuing a third person (strip).
          4  Emphasize that as the teacher, you will be checking their matches in order to make a correct match
             and not just randomly pair them up.
          5  Monitor and guide them while they are carrying out the task.
          6  When they’re finished, have them share their answers with the class.

                                           Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  181
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