Page 10 - English 10 | Games and Activities-8
P. 10


                             F1  Stating personal opinions in everyday conversations
                             F2  Stating preferences
         10 GRADE            F3  Stating causes and effects
                             F4  Giving an extended description and detailed information about people/places/events
             8   Literary Associations

          The activity aims to present students with the opportunity to make and express preferences through
          associating the options given with imaginary functions. It is expected to serve as a fun activity that will
          boost students’ imaginations as it gives them a chance to come up with expressions of preferences
          based upon literary associations. It includes the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

          Materials and Preparation
          Preferences sheet on page 204
          The teacher photocopies the preferences sheet as many as the number of students.

          1  Hand out the preferences sheet.
          2  Tell students that they will be asked to make preferences out of each pair of options given on the
             preferences sheet and give reasons. Emphasize that whatever they will come up with is expected
             to be a thing of their imaginations.
          3  Write the following examples on the board so that students can understand the task better.
             Explain students that they are expected to consider the benefits, functions of the items on the
             preferences sheet while they are making their preferences and giving reasons for them. Go
             through the examples together.

             E.g. I’d rather be an armchair than a stool because I would like to comfort my friends.
                 I prefer being a plant to being a pot because I would like to make my environment
                 more beautiful.

          4  Make sure that students have understood the literary dimension of the task and, if necessary,
             give further information and examples. Give them ten minutes. Monitor and guide while they are
             carrying out the task. When they are finished with the task, have them share their sentences and

                                           Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  185
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