Page 10 - English 11 | Games and Activities-2
P. 10


                             F1   Expressing likes, dislikes and interests
                             F2   Expressing preferences
            th   th
         11 GRADE            F3   Talking about present and past abilities
         11 GRADE
            11   Can or Could?

          This activity aims at talking about present and past abilities. It also encourages students to improve their speaking and
          listening skills.

          Materials and Preparation

          Divide the students into groups of three. Photocopy a set of cards for each group on page 50.


          1   Hand out a set of cards to each group.
          2   Have them shuffle the cards and place them face down on the desk.
          3   Students take turns picking up a card and using the prompt to ask the other students a question about a past or
              present ability. For example, if the prompt stated, ‘‘ wake up before 7 a.m.’’, the student may ask, ‘‘Can you wake up
              before 7 a.m.?’’ or ‘‘Could you wake up before 7 a.m. when you were a child?’’ The other students can reply either
              with a true or false answer.
          4   Then, the student holding the card asks follow-up questions to determine if the other students are telling the truth or
          5   Now, the student guesses for each of the students to reveal the right answers. He/she receives one point for each
              correct guess.
          6   The game continues until all the cards have been played.
          7   At the end of the game, the student with the most points wins.

            12   Tell Me...

          This activity enables students to express their present and past abilities. It also helps them to practice four main language

          Materials and Preparation

          Copy the worksheet on page 51 for each student.


          1   Give each student a copy of the worksheet.
          2   Get students to complete the column marked You with personal information about present and past abilities. Then,
              have them interview a partner and take notes in Your Partner column.
          3   Encourage them to ask and answer follow-up questions.
          4   Get some feedback from students who have the most interesting answers.

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