Page 6 - English 11 | Games and Activities-2
P. 6
F1 Expressing likes, dislikes and interests
F2 Expressing preferences
11 th GRADE F3 Talking about present and past abilities
4 My Preference
This activity enables students to express their preferences by looking at the photos shown to them. It encourages to
improve their speaking and listening skills.
Materials and Preparation
Cut up the pairs of photos on pages 41,42,43,44.
1 Ask for two volunteers to come up in front of the class.
2 Tell them that you’re going to show them a pair of photos. Students are supposed to express their preference by
looking at the pairs.
3 Remind students that they must form sentences using different structures for each pair while expressing their
4 The student who first forms the correct sentence gets the point.
5 You can ask for more volunteers to continue the game.
5 Charades Time!
This activity enables students to express likes, dislikes and interests. It encourages students to improve their speaking
and writing skills.
Materials and Preparation
Cut up the cardboards on page 45.
1 Divide the students into two teams (A and B).
2 Ask Team A to send a player to the front of the class.
3 Give the player a sentence card. Tell the player that he/she has one minute to mime the sentence to his/her team.
4 When the students in Team A say a word that is in the sentence within one minute, tell the player to write it on the
5 If Team A manages to guess the complete sentence within one minute, they score 2 points.
6 If not, the player continues miming and both teams can try to guess the sentence for 1 point.
7 Then a student from Team B comes to the front of the class and so on. The team with the most points at the end of
the game wins.