Page 5 - English 11 | Games and Activities-2
P. 5
F1 Expressing likes, dislikes and interests
F2 Expressing preferences
11 th GRADE F3 Talking about present and past abilities
3 Fact or Bluff?
The aim of the activity is to practice modal verbs of ability and the phrase be able to playing a true or false game. This
activity helps students improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. It is also a good activity for creative
Materials and Preparation
Make one copy of the worksheet on page 40 for each pair of students and cut it as indicated.
1 Tell students that you are going to tell them about an ability you have or you had. The students’ task is to find out if
you are telling the truth or bluffing (lying).
2 Tell students something true or false that you do really well, e.g., ‘‘I can write stories for children really well.’’ Then,
tell a brief personal story to prove how perfect you are at that ability.
3 Encourage students to ask follow-up questions to help them decide if you are telling the truth or bluffing. The students
make their guess and you reveal the answer.
4 Explain that the students are going to play a similar game to practise modal verbs of ability and expressions with
be able to.
5 Divide the class into two groups (A and B) and give each student a corresponding A or B worksheet.
6 Students then complete the worksheet with true or false information about their abilities. Students also have to think
of a brief personal story about each ability to tell a partner.
7 When the students are ready, have them pair up with someone from the other group. Tell them not to show their
worksheet to their partner.
8 The students then take it in turns to talk about an ability and tell a story or make up a story.
9 Their partner’s task is to listen and ask follow-up questions to help them decide if the student is telling the truth or
10 Their partner then makes their guess and the student reveals the answer. Students win one point for each correct
guess. The student with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
11 Afterwards, have students choose the best bluffs to add some more fun to the game.