Page 11 - English 9 | Games and Activities-6
P. 11

9 GRADE                    Answer Keys & Audio Scripts

           Answer Key

           2 Travelling Abroad

           Answer Key

           3 Waiting for the Flight
             1  Attention, please! A passport (1) has been found belonging to Mrs Kylie Ben. Would Mrs Kylie
                Ben please contact the airport information desk (2)?
             2  We are sorry to announce that Icarus flight number TB073 (1) has been delayed (2) for 30 (3)
                minutes. Would passengers please remain in the departure lounge (4)?
             3  This is the final boarding call (1) for passengers Adam and Samuel Melt booked on flight 172C to
                Paris (2). Please proceed to Gate 8 (3) immediately. Our flight is ready to leave.
             4  Attention to all passengers (1), this is a security (2) announcement. For security reasons and
                due to the risk of theft, passengers are requested not to leave their baggage (3) and personal
                belongings unattended (4) at any time. If you see unattended (5) bags or suitcases, please inform
                security staff (6) immediately. Thank you!

           Answer Key

           5 Different Places, Different People

             Group A                                       Group B

             1  Venice/Italy                               1  Brussels/Brazil
             2  Prague/Czech Republic                      2  Paris/France
             3  Amsterdam/The Netherlands                  3  London/The United Kingdom

             128  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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