Page 6 - English 9 | Games and Activities-6
P. 6


                             F1   Asking about and describing cities
         9 GRADE             F2    Identifying cultural differences
                                Talking about travel and tourism
                             F4    Ordering food
             3   Waiting for the Flight
          This activity aims to revise the vocabulary related to airports and help students to practise authentic
          airport announcements.

          Materials and Preparation
          Print out and photocopy the worksheet on page 130.
          1  As a warm-up activity, ask students a few questions such as “Have you ever travelled by plane? Where
             did you go? What do you like and dislike about airports? What is the best thing about airports? Can
             you understand airport announcements? Why/Why not?”
          2  Hand out a copy of the worksheet for each student and let them read the incomplete airport
             announcements before listening to the audio so that they can be familiar with the topic and the
             vocabulary used.
          3  Ask students to listen to the audio and complete the missing parts of the airport announcements.
          4  Check the answers with the class.
          5  Divide students into groups of four or five and ask them to work in groups to create similar airport
             announcements as in Exercise A.
          6  Remind them that they will record the announcements they have created on their mobile phones.
          7  When the task is over, encourage them to present the audio recordings to the rest of the class.

             4   Can I Take Your Order?

          This activity aims to help students to practise the words used for ordering food at a restaurant. It also
          helps them to be aware of how to react to real-life situations.
          Materials and Preparation
          Photocopy the worksheet on page 131 for each group of four and cut up the food and drink cards.

          1  Put the class into groups of four and, firstly, give each group the ‘Menu’ part and four slips of paper.
             Ask students to read the ‘Menu’ and choose three-course meal (starter, main course, and dessert)
             and drink that they would like to order without telling anyone. Remind them that they will write their
             order on the paper and keep it secret.
          2  After they keep their papers secret, now give each group a set of food and drink cards. Ask students
             to shuffle the food and drink cards and to deal them out equally face down to the members of the
             group. Tell them one student will go first and order a menu item that they want—the order they
             have written on the slip of paper—from only one member of another group using sentences such
             as “Can I have…, please?”, “I’ll have…”, or “I’d like…, please.” Explain to them that the main aim is to
             get four food or drink items from the menu they want.
          3  If the other student has the menu item, they reply as a waiter “Certainly, sir/madam. Here you are.”
             and give that menu item to the student who is asking to order. If the student doesn’t have the menu
             item, they say “I’m sorry, sir/madam.”, “I’m afraid, we have run out of...”
          4  It’s then the next student’s turn to ask for a menu item and so on. The first student to get four menu
             items wins the game. At the end of the activity, ask students to work with their group members to
             create a complete dialogue between a customer and a waiter using the menu on the worksheet.
             Then, ask them to act it out.

                                           Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  123
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