Page 7 - English 9 | Games and Activities-6
P. 7


                             F1   Asking about and describing cities
         9 GRADE             F2    Identifying cultural differences
                                Talking about travel and tourism
                             F4    Ordering food
             5   Different Places, Different People
          This activity aims to help students to get basic information about the famous cities and different
          lifestyles in the world. It also helps them to improve their speaking skills using some phrases of how
          to describe a picture.
          Materials and Preparation
          Photocopy the worksheets on pages 132 and 133.

          1  Put the class into two groups with three students, A and B. Hand out the ‘Group A worksheet’ to the
             students in group A and the ‘Group B worksheet’ to the students in group B.
          2  Tell students that they are going to work with the group members on each picture using the phrases
             of describing a picture given. Point out to them that they are going to describe not only the city but
             also the people in the picture to get basic information about their lives.
          3  While students express their ideas about the pictures with their friends, if needed, help them with
             the vocabulary they need to know. Remind them that they can take notes about the pictures and
             benefit from their notes when they share their ideas with the class.
          4  At the end of the activity, ask each member of the group to describe the picture and share their ideas
             on a city with the class. Check the answers of where the cities are with the class.

             6   Find the Country

          This  activity  aims  to  help  students  to  get  basic  information  about  the  food,  traditional  costumes,
          traditions and customs of some countries. It also helps them to improve their speaking skills.
          Materials and Preparation
          Photocopy the worksheet on page 134 for each group and cut up the cards.

          1  Put the class into groups with four students. Before handing out the worksheets, warn students they
             are not going to show their cards to anyone because the group members will guess about which
             country is described.
          2  Point out to students that they are going to make complete sentences using the information on
             the cards when they describe the country to their friends, and they can also use their gestures and
             mimics or imitate people so that their friends can guess the country itself. The group members will
             guess the country after their friend gives all the information about it. If they have no idea about the
             country described at the end of the presentation, they can ask their friend a few questions to get
             more information about it.
          3  Hand out the cards to students and ask them to check all the vocabulary on their cards. Tell them
             that if they have problems with the vocabulary and phrases, they can use their dictionaries. Remind
             them that they can take notes to make sentences before presenting their country cards.
          4  At the end of the activity, ask students to talk about which country is more interesting for them and
             why they think so.

             124  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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