Page 8 - English 9 | Games and Activities-6
P. 8


                             F1   Asking about and describing cities
         9 GRADE             F2    Identifying cultural differences
                                Talking about travel and tourism
                             F4    Ordering food
             7   Dreaming of Somewhere
          This activity aims to help students participate in a survey and practise the expressions for travelling,
          describing  cities  and  cultural  differences  in  the  world.  It  also  helps  students  to  improve  their
          communicative competence, getting involved and participating actively in the learning process.
          Materials and Preparation
          Photocopy the worksheet on page 135 for each student.

          1  Hand out the worksheet to students. Point out to them that they are going to walk around the class
             and ask the questions on the worksheet to five students. After they ask the questions, they should
             write their friends’ names and their answers on the worksheet.
          2  Ask them to read the worksheet before starting to conduct the survey and think of which country or
             city they would like to see and their reasons. Then, have students walk around the class and ask and
             answer the questions taking notes of the answers.
          3  Remind them that they should ask all the questions to the same student. Then, they can change
             their friend to ask the questions. They should interact with a different friend each time. The activity
             finishes once students have filled in all the blank spaces in the table.

             8   At the Café

          The activity aims to help students to practise dialogues for ordering food and drink at a café.

          Materials and Preparation
          Print out and photocopy the worksheet on page 136.

          1  As a warm-up activity, ask students a few questions such as “Which one is more popular in your
             country, tea or coffee? How often do you drink coffee? What kind of coffee do you like to drink? Do
             you drink coffee at home or at chain coffee shops or cafés?”
          2  Hand out a copy of the worksheet for each student.
          3  Explain that there is a jumbled dialogue between a barista and a customer in Exercise A. Ask them
             to work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a meaningful dialogue and act it
             out with their partners.
          4  When students have completed the task, ask them to role-play a similar dialogue between a barista
             and a customer in a coffee shop. Explain that they will use the menu to order snacks or beverages.
             Ask them to take turns playing the role of the customer and the barista.

                                           Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  125
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