Page 5 - English 9 | Games and Activities-6
P. 5


                             F1   Asking about and describing cities
         9 GRADE             F2    Identifying cultural differences
                                Talking about travel and tourism
                             F4    Ordering food
             1   Describe and Guess
          The aim of this activity is to help students to revise the vocabulary of food and ordering food that they
          have learned previously. It also aims to give them an opportunity to be creative with the language and
          Materials and Preparation
          This activity does not require any photocopiable materials.

          1  Put the class into two groups or any number based on how large a class you have. Make sure that
             all students sit facing to the board. Then, put an empty chair, one for each team, at the front of the
             class, facing the team members.
          2  Ask students to choose one member from each team to come up and sit on that chair, facing their
             teammates and having their back to the board.
          3  Tell them that you will write a word on the board. The student on the chair will not see the word, and
             the group members will describe it using synonyms, antonyms, definitions, etc. to their teammate
             who is on the chair.
          4  Remind them that the words to be used in this game are related to food and ordering food. You
             can write one of these words ‘juicy, salty, delicious, fresh, healthy, greasy, sour, sweet, food, dessert,
             vegetable, order, menu, bill, waiter, waitress, serve, and restaurant’ on the board each time.
          5  Have the students on the chairs listen to their teammates and try to guess the word. The first student
             sitting on the chair to say the word wins a point for their team. Then, change the students over with
             a new member of each team taking their place on their team's chair.

             2   Travelling Abroad

          This activity aims to help students to improve their listening skills and to be familiar with the vocabulary
          related to travelling.

          Materials and Preparation
          Photocopy the worksheet in the link below for each student.

          Then, prepare the audio in the QR code.

          1  Hand out the worksheets to students. Ask them to read the worksheet before listening to the audio
             so that they can be familiar with the topic and the vocabulary used. Have them work in pairs to put
             the sentences in order.
          2  Remind them that the preparation part on the worksheet will be studied in pairs, but the rest of the
             activities will be done individually.
          3  If needed, play the audio once again. When they have finished the activity, check the answers with
             the class. Many students may not have taken a flight somewhere; therefore, you can skip this activity,
             ‘Tell your partner/group about the last time you took a flight somewhere.’ Instead, have them write a
             similar announcement at the airport and share it with their friends.
          4  Then, have the class vote to choose their friend who wrote the best and explain why they voted for
             122  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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