Page 34 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 34


  KONU                          MODAL VERBS OF ABILITY & POSSIBILITY
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                       MODALS USED FOR ABILITY (Can, Be Able To, Could, Was / Were Able To)
         Bir kişinin bir şey yapabilme becerisini, şu anki, geçmişteki veya gelecekteki yeteneklerini anlatırken kullanılır.
                                          Structure of Modals Used for Ability
            Subject            Affirmative                 Negative                  Interrogative
           I, You, We,   A baby can smile even after a   A baby can't walk for several   Can babies see clearly when
            They, He,   short time after his / her birth.  months after his / her birth.  they are born?
             She, It
         Günümüzdeki yetenekleri ve becerileri ifade etmek için can ve be able to kullanılır.
         ♦  Some of the plants can / are able to communicate with one another like humans.
         ♦  My brother can / is able to carry a loaded rucksack thirty kilometres without getting tired, but I can’t.
         Be able to tüm zaman yapıları ile çekimlenebilir.
         ♦  The olive ridley sea turtle hasn’t been able to swim properly since it lost one of its flippers.
         ♦  In the near future, thanks to specially designed prosthetic flippers, the olive ridley sea turtle will be able to swim
            properly again.
         ♦  Ancient people were able to live in tents even in harsh and cold weather conditions.
         Geçmişteki yetenekleri ifade etmek için could ve was / were able to kullanılır.
         ♦  Mozart could / was able to play the violin when he was a teenager.
         ♦  In my younger days, I could / was able to stay up all night and still feel energic the next day.
         ♦  We couldn’t / weren’t able to understand what he was telling because of the noise in the room.
         Geçmişteki tek bir olaydan bahsediliyorsa, o olaya yönelik bir başarı, üstesinden gelme durumunu ifade etmek için
         was / were able to kullanılır. Bu durumlarda could yerine was / were able to tercih edilir.
         ♦ They were able to find the missing document just before the deadline.
         ♦  It is not easy to find a parking place in the city center, but yesterday I was able to find it in a minute.
         ♦  The climbers were able to reach the summit of Everest despite many hardships they had experienced.
         Geçmişteki tek bir olaydan bahseden olumsuz cümlelerde could ve was / were able to kullanımında fark yoktur.
         ♦  He couldn't / was not able to catch the last train home, so he stayed at a friend’s house.
         Could ve was / were able to geçmişte izin verme durumunda kullanılır.
         ♦  My brother could / was able to hang out with his friends till late hours when he was a teenager.
         Could, duyu filleri ile (see, hear, smell etc.) geçmişte bir şeyi duyma, görme veya koklama yeteneğini anlatırken tercih
         ♦  As our house was very close to the stadium of my favourite team, we could hear the chants of the crowd clearly.
                        MODALS USED FOR POSSIBILITY (May, Might, Can, Could, Be Likely To)

         Bir eylemin gerçekleşme ihtimalinden bahsederken olasılık anlatan may, might, can, could ve be likely to yapıları kullanılır.
                                        Structure of Modals Used for Possibility
            Subject            Affirmative                 Negative                  Interrogative
           I, You, We,   By looking at dark clouds in the  By looking at the clear sky, it is   Is it likely to guess whether it
            They, He,   sky, it is possible to say that it   possible to say that it may not   will rain by looking at the sky?
             She, It   may rain very soon.        rain today.

         Şu anki ve gelecekteki ihtimallerden söz ederken may, might, can, could ve be likely to yapıları kullanılır.
         ♦  Hurry up, please! We may / might not find a seat if the tickets are sold before we arrive.
         ♦  Although she fell behind her classmates because of her long-time illness, she is likely to keep up with them in a
            short time with her hard work and patience.
         ♦  If everything goes as planned, we could meet tomorrow at the picnic area.
         Sorularda olasılık anlamını vermek istediğimizde may ve might yerine be likely to tercih edilir.
         ♦  Is it likely to make an appointment with the doctor in advance?
         ♦  Is it likely that there will be a very effective solution to the problem?
  34      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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