Page 30 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 30


         By ve By the time arasındaki farka dikkat etmek gerekir. By bir edattır (preposition), kendinden sonra isim gelir.
         By the time bir bağlaçtır ve kendinden sonra bir cümle gelmelidir.
         ♦  I hope by 6 o’clock, the whole house will have been cleaned.
         ♦  I hope by the time we arrive home, the whole house will have been cleaned.

         By the time’ın kullanıldığı cümlede, ana cümlenin fiili olarak be fiili kullanılmış ve süreç belirtilmemişse
         cümlede Future Perfect Tense yerine Simple Future Tense kullanılır.
         ♦  By the time I pass all the exams to be a consultant, I will be an intern.

                                   Structure of the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
            Subject           Affirmative                Negative                   Interrogative

           I, You, We,   I will have been writing the   He will not (won’t) have   Will he have been playing football
            They, He,   report for 20 minutes.   been practicing for the   for two hours by the time it gets
             She, It                             competition for long.     dark?
                                   Use of the Future Perfect Continuous Tense

         Gelecekte bir eylemin belirli bir zamandan önce ne kadar süredir yapıldığını anlattığımız durumlarda kullanılır. Genellikle
         olayın süresi de belirtilir.
         ♦  The scientists started to observe giant pandas in 2020. They will have been observing the giant pandas for fifteen
            years by the time the research project ends in 2035.

                         Common Time Expressions Used in the Future Perfect Continuous Tense
                   for two years                       by                            by then

                    by the time                     by this time                      when
         ♦  The company will have been printing newspapers for more than 100 years by the time they switch to digital.
         ♦  By the time they get involved in the project, we will have been working on it for 6 months.

                             Affirmative                  Negative                   Interrogative
                      She will have completed the   She will not (won’t) have   Will she have finalized the
         Future Perfect   project before the deadline   submitted the report before the   presentation before the meeting
                      arrives.                    manager arrives.            starts?
         Future Perfect   She will have been working on  They will not have been   Will the developers have been
          Continuous   the project for three weeks by   studying for ten hours straight   fixing the software bugs by the
            Tense     the time the deadline arrives.  by the time the exam starts.  time the client reviews it?

         ♦  By July, we will have been working on the project for 2 months.
         ♦  By November, we will have completed 5 steps of the project.

         Future Perfect Continuous Tense yapısında eylemsizlik bildiren fiiller (non-action verbs) kullanılmaz.
         ♦  By next week, we will have known each other for a week.
         ♦  By next week, we will have been knowing each other for a week.

          Future Perfect Continuous Tense ile kullanılacak fiillere dikkat edilmelidir. Süreklilik bildiren play, sleep, read gibi
          fiiller bu tense ile kullanılabilir. Finish, start, arrive gibi bir anda olup biten eylemleri anlatan fiiller kullanılmaz.
          ♦  By 10 p.m, my secretary will have finished the report.
          ♦  By 10 p.m, my secretary will have been finishing the report.

  30      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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