Page 32 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 32



         While, belli bir zaman diliminde gerçekleşmekte olan eylemleri veya durumları ifade etmek için kullanılan bir bağlaçtır.

         While + Present Simple Tense(be), Present Simple Tense
         ♦  Generally, while I am in my summerhouse, I take care of the plants in my garden and go fishing with my neighbours.

         Simple Future Tense while + Present Simple Tense
         ♦  Who will take over your shift while you are at the conference?
         While + Present Continuous Tense, Future Continuous Tense
         ♦  While I am taking care of my mom at the hospital, one of my friends will be looking after my cat.
         While + Past Continuous Tense, Past Continuous Tense
         ♦  While the audit was going on, the shareholders of the company were waiting worriedly for the verdict.
         Simple Past Tense while + Past Continuous Tense
         ♦  The doorbell rang while my mother was hanging  the laundry on the balcony..
         While + Simple Past Tense, Simple Past Tense
         ♦  While the shepherd took a nap in his felt cloak, his sheep grazed.

         Bazı durumlarda while yerine when kullanılabilir. Ancak ana cümle ve zarf cümlesindeki eylemler eş zamanlı ise
         when değil, while kullanılır.
         ♦  While / When I was walking in the park, I saw a beautiful swan in the lake.
         ♦  While the snow was falling, the town was transforming into a winter wonderland.

                                                  AS / JUST AS

         As ve just as bağlaçları, while bağlacı ile benzer bir anlama sahiptir. Ancak, kısa süreli bir olayın tam gerçekleştiği an
         vurgulamak istediğinde, as, just as veya when tercih edilir.
         ♦  Just as the rain started, people hurriedly opened their umbrellas and sought shelter.

         As bağlacı, iki olayın ya da durumun eş zamanlı olarak değiştiğini, genellikle bir durumun diğer bir durumu etkilediğini
         ifade etmek için kullanılır.
         ♦  As the marathon runners crossed the finish line, cheers erupted from the spectators.
                                                  BY THE TIME

         By the time bir eylemin diğer eylemden daha önce gerçekleştiğini ya da gerçekleşeceğini belirten durumlarda kullanılır.

         Simple Future Tense by the time + Simple Present Tense
         ♦  The bus will be at the last stop by the time his mother wakes David up.
         Future Perfect Tense by the time + Simple Present Tense
         ♦  If the Lake Toba supervolcano erupts again, around 2.800 cubic kilometres of volcanic lava will have been thrown
            into the atmosphere by the time it ends.
         By the time + Simple Present Tense, Future Perfect Continuous Tense
         ♦  By the time the trial period ends, I will have been using this programme for a month.
         Future Perfect Tense by the time + Present Perfect Tense
         ♦  Nobody can be sure how long we will have been on strike by the time we have persuaded the boss to fulfil our
         By the time + Simple Past Tense, Simple Past Tense
         ♦  By the time we removed the chicken from the oven, it was totally burned and became inedible.
         Past Perfect Tense by the time + Simple Past Tense
         ♦  A lot of traffic accidents had happened by the time the municipality removed the snow on the road and salted it.
  32      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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