Page 16 - Summer School Book
P. 16


                                  11 -12  Grades Summer School Language Framework (A2-A2+)
                  Themes            Learning Objectives                  Activities and Games for Learning Objectives
                                                                Choose your Corner
                                                                Prepare four cardboards with the verbs make, feel, work, and get, and 20
                                                                cards with words which go with the verbs (… a film, … a present, … ill, …
                                                                in an office, etc.). Give the cardboards to four students and have them stay
                                                                in the four corners of the classroom. Give each of the other students a card
                                                                with the word(s) which go with one of the four verbs. Tell them to go to the
                                                                student with the correct cardboard for their words. When all students are in
                                                                the ‘corner’ of their choice, the students with the verbs check the ‘words’ in
                                                                their corners. They may send the wrong ‘words’ to another corner at this point.
                                                                Check all the words and give feedback. Give the summary of the frequently
                                                                used collocations belonging to those categories by writing them on the board.
                                                                Who am I?
                              1.  Students will be able to name
                                 collocations with make, feel, work,   Hand out paper sheets and tell students to write four interesting sentences
                                 and get.
                                                                about themselves: two for their likes and two for their dislikes. Tell them that
                                                                one of the sentences will have false information. Warn them they shouldn’t
                              2.  Students will be able to talk about
                                                                write their names and they are not to show their information to anyone. You
                                 themselves and their personalities.
                                                                can give examples based on your own likes and dislikes. When they finish
                                                                writing, collect the papers and put them in a basket. Tell students to stand up
                              3.  Students will be able to make   and pick a piece of paper from the basket. Tell them to read out the information
                     1           a digital story by creating funny   written and try to find the person who wrote it by asking yes/no questions.
                 Getting to      characters.
                                                                Depending on the students’ levels, you can use any structure.   8 hours
                 Each Other   4.  Students will be able to ask for   Colors Tell Something
                                                                Ask the following questions to your students. What is your favorite color? How
                              5.  Students will be able to exchange   do you think that your color tells something about your personality? Search
                                 ideas about their life preferences.  colors’ meaning about personality. Next, choose the color that you don’t like
                                                                and search its meaning about personality as well. Discuss them with your
                              6.  Students will be able to agree or   friend. Analyze the chart below.
                                 disagree with others by sharing   BLACK
                                 their opinions about celebrities.     You are intelligent and love to discuss serious things.
                                                                   BLUE You like fresh air and being outdoors and tell others what to do.
                                                                  BROWN You like to be in charge and tell others what to do.
                                                                    GREEN You care about the environment and love animals.
                                                                      PINK You love to laugh and dont take things too seriously.
                                                                     PURPLE You like to be alone and “do your own thing”.
                                                                         RED You have strong feelings and a quick temper.
                                                                         WHITE You love things to be neat and clean, and you always plan ahead.
                                                                         YELLOW You are a happy, friendly person, and you love being in the sun.
           11 th -12 th  Grades  16                             Do you and your partner have the personality explained for your favorite colors?
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