Page 13 - Summer School Book
P. 13

9  -10  GRADES (A1-A2 LEVELS)

                     Themes            Learning Objectives                  Activities and Games for Learning Objectives
                                                                   Fishbowl Activity
                                                                   Divide students into two groups; an inner group and an outer group, seated
                                                                   in two circles. The first group of students (the inner group) discusses what
                                                                   environmental problems we will face in 2050 and what we will do to overcome
                                                                   those problems by asking questions and sharing their opinions. The second
                                                                   group (the outer group) surrounds the first group in a circle, observing and
                                                                   listening to the problem-solving efforts of the first group. They may contribute
                                                                   to the discussion by giving comments, advice, and guidance to the students
                                                                   in the first group. At the end of a period of time, the students in each circle
                                 1.  Students will be able to describe
                                                                   switch roles to practice being both contributors and listeners in a group
                                   future plans and arrangements.
                                 2.  Students will be able to make
                                   predictions about the future.   Bingo
                        9                                          Students are asked to brainstorm a list of exciting or interesting experiences
                                 3.  Students will be able to talk about                                                           6 hours
                   Future Plans                                    they will have in the following summer holiday. Students write these
                                   their own plans for the future.
                                                                   experiences on a blank Bingo board. On your signal, students mingle searching
                                                                   for someone who has the same summer plan. The first person with 5 initialed
                                 4.  Students will be able to express
                                                                   affirmatives in a row shout ‘’Bingo’’ and wins the game.
                                   their ideas in unplanned situations.
                                                                   Creating Digital Stories
                                                                   Divide students into groups of five. Ask them to create a digital story by using
                                                                   an application about the future technology and youth.

                                                                   Suggested Activities in Games and Activities Book 10:

                                                                   Theme 2
                                                                   •  Common Future (Activity 4, page 29)

                                                                                                                                                    9 th -10 th  Grades

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