Page 9 - Summer School Book
P. 9

9  -10  GRADES (A1-A2 LEVELS)

                     Themes            Learning Objectives                  Activities and Games for Learning Objectives
                                                                   Travel Plans
                                                                   Explain the imaginary situation below to students:
                                                                   “You have got a one-week holiday and you plan to spend it together with your
                                                                   friends. You meet at a cafe to organize your holiday. Prepare an individual
                                                                   plan and share it with your pair. This individual plan should be a detailed one
                                                                   including your ideas about where to go, how to go there, where to stay, and
                                 1.  Students will be able to take part in   what to do during your holiday, etc. After everybody’s plan is discussed one
                                   a dialogue about ordering food at a
                                                                   by one, you should make a final plan. Each one of you should speak for at
                                                                   least 3 minutes. Record your discussion. Listen to your task with your pair.
                                                                   Reflect on your performance with your pair and please record your reflection
                                 2.  Students will be able to use the
                                   most frequently used expressions
                                   to buy a flight/bus/train ticket.
                                                                   Role Play: At the Restaurant
                                 3.  Students will be able to book                                                                 4 hours
                    Travelling                                     Put students  in groups of four. One of  the group  members  will act as the
                                   a room at a hotel/a table in a
                                   restaurant, etc.                waiter/waitress at a restaurant. Other group members will act as a group of
                                                                   friends ordering food at a restaurant. Students will be provided with a menu
                                                                   and role-play cards. They will prepare it in 5 minutes and then act it out.
                                 4.  Students will be able to take part
                                   in a dialogue in a group to make a
                                   travel plan.
                                                                   Suggested Activities in Games and Activities Book 9:
                                                                   Theme 6
                                                                   •  Different Places, Different People (Activity 5, pages 124)
                                                                   •  Find the Country (Activity 6, page 124)
                                                                   •  Dreaming of Somewhere (Activity 7, page 125)
                                                                   •  At the Cafe (Activity 8, page 125)
                                                                   •  Enjoy Your Meal (Activity 9, page 126)

                                                                                                                                                    9 th -10 th  Grades

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