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P. 143

Relative Clauses

        5. Relative Pronoun Modifying Time (when – in / on / at which)
        Ana cümlemizde tanımlanan isim “relative clause” yapısı içinde “in that year, on that day, at that hour” gibi bir
        zaman belirtmekte ise ya da belirli zamandan bahsetmekte ise “relative pronoun” olarak “when, that, which”
        kullanılabilir. Ya da herhangi bir “relative pronoun” kullanılmadan da “relative clause” cümleye eklenebilir.  Video 8.5
            Zaman niteleyen relative clause cümlelerinde ilgeç sadece  “which” in önüne getirilir.  (on which, in which, at which)
           ▪ Producers say they cannot remember a time. Harvests were worse than this year’s at that time.
             Producers say they cannot remember a time when harvests were worse than this year’s.
             Producers say they cannot remember a time that harvests were worse than this year’s.
             Producers say they cannot remember a time at which harvests were worse than this year’s.
             Producers say they cannot remember a time Ø harvests were worse than this year’s.
            “Relative clause” cümlesinde zaman sözcüğü olan her ifade cümlenin zamanını ifade etmeyebilir. Bazen bu tür
             zaman sözcükleri sadece bir nesne ya da özne durumundadır. Bu tür durumlarda “when” kullanılamaz. “which”
             ya da “that” kullanılarak “relative clause” ana cümleye bağlanmalıdır.
           ▪ Winter is the season. It is the best time for a ski holiday. (It: subject)
             Winter is the season which / that is the best time for a ski holiday.
           ▪ Winter is the season. Most people prefer it to summer. (It: object)
             Winter is the season which / that most people prefer to summer.
           ▪ Winter is the season.  Most countries in Europe have semester holidays in winter. (in winter: time)
             Winter is the season when / that most countries in Europe have semester holidays.
             Winter is the season in which most countries in Europe have semester holidays.

        6. Relative Pronoun Modifying Place (where – in /on / at which)
            Ana cümlemizdeki tanımlanan isim “relative clause” yapısı içinde olayın gerçekleştiği yeri bildiriyorsa yani bir
             dolaylı tümleç ise “relative pronoun” olarak “where” kullanılabilir.
           ▪ Children must be brought up in a peaceful atmosphere. They can feel confident and happy there.
             Children must be brought up in a peaceful atmosphere where they can feel confident and happy.
            Bu tür cümleler “where” ile bağlandığında ilgeç kullanmaya gerek yoktur. Ancak “where” yerine
            “which” yada “that” ile bağlamak istediğimizde ya da “relative pronoun” cümleden atıldığında
            cümledeki yer bildiren ifadenin başına gelen ilgeç kullanılmak zorundadır.
                                                                                                Video 8.6
           ▪ When I retire, I like to move to the town. I spent my youth there.
             When I retire, I like to move to the town where I spent my youth.
             When I retire, I like to move to the town which / that / Ø I spent my youth in.
             When I retire, I like to move to the town in which I spent my youth.
             Buckingham Palace, where the king of England lives, is one of the most popular landmarks of London.
             Buckingham Palace, which the king of England lives in, is one of the most popular landmarks of London.
             Buckingham Palace, in which the king of England lives, is one of the most popular landmarks of London.
             (Bu cümle bir “Non-Defining Relative Clause” içerdiği için “relative pronoun” olarak “that” kullanılamaz ve
             “relative  pronoun” cümleden atılamaz.)
            Ana cümlede yer belirten bir ifade her zaman “Relative Clause” cümlesinde olayın geçtiği yeri belirtmeyebilir.
             Bazen  bu  tür  yer  belirten  sözcükler  sadece  bir  nesne  ya  da  özne  durumundadır.  Bu  durumda  “where”
             kullanılamaz. “which” ya da “that” kullanılarak “Relative Clause” ana cümleye bağlanmalıdır.
           ▪ The whole family wants to emigrate to Canada. It is full of opportunities for newcomers. (It: subject)
             The whole family wants to emigrate to Canada, which is full of opportunities for newcomers.
             (Özne durumunda olduğu için pronoun cümleden atılamaz.)
           ▪ Ephesus is an ancient city. Everyone should see it when they visit Türkiye.
             Ephesus is an ancient city which / that / Ø everyone should see when they visit Türkiye.
              (Nesne durumunda olduğu için pronoun cümleden atılabilir.)
           ▪ The municipality is going to renovate the stage. Famous actors and actresses performed their plays there for years.
             The municipality is going to renovate the stage where famous actors and actresses performed their plays for years.
             (Sıfat cümlesinde “stage”, “nerede” sorusunun cevabı olduğu için “where” ifadesi kullanılabilir.)

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