Page 145 - 12 YDT
P. 145

Relative Clauses

            “Relative Clause” cümlesinde kısaltma yapabilmenin ikinci temel kuralı ise; eğer cümlenin  yardımcı fiili ya
             da temel fiili “be” ise bu fiil “relative pronoun” ile beraber cümleden atılır. Bu reduction şeklini farklı yapılardaki
             örneklerle görelim:
                                            Relative Pronoun + be + Ving
           ▪ Children who are watching a movie at the cinema at the moment will be given a free ticket.
               Children watching a movie at the cinema at the moment will be given a free a ticket.
                                             Relative Pronoun + be + V
           ▪ Books which are classified by voluntary students will be displayed tomorrow at the conference hall.
               Books classified by voluntary students will be displayed tomorrow at the conference hall.
                                            Relative Pronoun + be + Noun
           ▪ Ankara, which is the capital of Türkiye, is home to many important historical places.
               Ankara, the capital of Türkiye, is home to many important historical places.
                                        Relative Pronoun + be + Prep. Phrase
           ▪ The incident which is under investigation seems to have lasted longer than anticipated by the company.
               The incident under investigation seems to have lasted longer than anticipated by the company.
            Nitelenen ismin “be” fiili ya da yardımcı fiil ile devam etmediği durumlarda ise, eğer cümle present ya da past
             tenslerden birisi ile oluşturulmuşsa ve active (etken) yapıda ise relative pronoun cümleden atılır ve cümlenin
             yüklemine “-ing” eklenir (present participle).
           ▪ Tourists who visit our country are of the opinion that it is much cheaper than their countries.
               Tourists visiting our country are of the opinion that it is much cheaper than their countries.
           ▪ The Taj Mahal, which attracts millions of people every year, is a white marble building.
               The Taj Mahal, attracting millions of people every year, is a white marble building.
            Ana cümle ile “Relative Clause” cümlesinin yüklemleri arasında zaman farkı olduğunda ise “perfect participle”
             yapıları kullanılır. Bu durumda eğer “Relative Clause” yüklemi active (etken) ise “having V ”, passive (edilgen)
             ise “having been V ” yapıları ile kısaltmalar yapılabilir.
           ▪ The woman who applied first for the position will be at our company next week.
             The woman having applied first for the position will be at our company next week.
            Bir cümlede “Relative Clause” active (etken) bir Past Simple cümlesi iken “main clause” Present Simple cümlesi
             olabilir.Bu sebeple reduction yapılırken “having V ” yapısı kullanılarak cümleler arası zaman farkı vurgulanabilir.
           ▪ The Wright Brothers, who achieved the first powered flight successfully in 1903, are not known by many people today.
             The right Brothers, having achieved the first powered flight successfully in 1903, are not known by many people today.
            Bu cümlede ise “Relative Clause” passive (edilgen) bir “Past Simple” cümlesi iken ana cümle “future tense”
             ile oluşturulmuştur. Bu sebeple kısaltma yapılırken having been V yapısı kullanılarak cümleler arası zaman
             farkı vurgulanabilir.
           ▪ The issue which was discussed during the conference by the delegates is going to be on the agenda in the next
             meeting as well.
             The issue having been discussed during the conference by the delegates is going to be on the agenda in the next
             meeting as well.
           ▪ Radio, which was invented in the early 1800s, is still popular, especially among older people.
             Radio, having been invented in the early 1800s, is still popular especially among older people.
            Bazı farklı durumlarda “to + infinitive” yapısı ile de kısaltma yapılabilir. Active cümlelerde “to + infinitive” yapısı
             kullanırken passive cümlelerde “to + be + V ” yapısı kullanılmalıdır. Şimdi bu yapıları teker teker inceleyelim:
           ▪ This book is the best one that explains the theory of relativity in detail for beginners.
             This book is the best one to explain the theory of relativity in detail for beginners.
           ▪ They boast about the tallest skyscraper that can be seen a hundred kilometres away.
             They boast about the tallest skyscraper to be seen a hundred kilometres away.
                                                 Ordinal Numbers:
           ▪ Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon.
             Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.
           ▪ The fifth candidate who was interviewed was entirely suitable for the position.
             The fifth candidate to be interviewed was entirely suitable for the position.

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