Page 150 - 12 YDT
P. 150

Relative Clauses - Test - 1

                                                           5.  The capital ship of a fleet is an aircraft carrier, ----
         Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                   purpose is to ferry smaller planes ---- may then go on
                                                              and engage in whatever missions they may have.
        1.  Mercantilism   often   involves   a   protectionist   A)  which / where
           government  policy  ----  reduces  imports  and
           encourages  exports  and  is  designed  to  protect   B)  whom / when
           traders from unfair foreign competition.
                                                              C)  who / of which
           A)  who                                            D)  for which / why
           B)  whom                                           E)  whose / that
           C)  why

           D)  in which
           E)  that

        2.  While some scientists claim that talent is innate and   6.  Pangolins,  the  whole  body  ----  is  covered  with
           depends on genetic factors, there are also scientists   scales and ---- can take the form of a ball to protect
           ---- argue that it is related to environmental factors   themselves, are mammals of the order Pholidota.
           and the circumstances ---- the individual lives in.
                                                              A)  that / which
           A)  who / which
                                                              B)  who / in which
           B)  that / where
                                                              C)  whose / whom
           C)  whose / in which
                                                              D)  of which / that
           D)  why / when
                                                              E)  with which / where
           E)  whom / of which

        3.  The  oldest  fragments  of  environmental  DNA  ever   7.  Printed  publications,  telephone,  and  telegraph,  ----
           recovered  show  that  Greenland  was  covered  with   news, tales, and stories used to be transmitted from
           forests  ----  reindeer  and  mammoths  roamed  two   person to person in the past, have been replaced by
           million years ago.                                 digital technologies over the last century.

           A)  which                                          A)  in which
           B)  that                                           B)  through which
           C)  where                                          C)  which

           D)  whose                                          D)  that
           E)  whom                                           E)  on which

        4.  In the first Turkish states, ---- the status of genders   8.  The  Ijen  volcano,  ----  there  is  an  extremely  acidic
           was  based  on  equality,  women  took  an  active  part   crater lake with 27.5 million m  of turquoise-coloured
           in every aspect of social and political life and lived   water, is located in the east of Java Island, ---- one
           as  individuals  ----  were  respected,  valued,  and   can reach in a few hours by car and boat from Bali.
                                                              A)  in which / that
           A)  which / who
                                                              B)  on which / when
           B)  whose / which
                                                              C)  where / which
           C)  why / in which
                                                              D)  whose / whom
           D)  where / that
                                                              E)  with whom / to whose
           E)  whom / of which

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