Page 153 - 12 YDT
P. 153

Relative Clauses - Test - 2

        9.  ----  to  the  communication  and  interaction  between   13. Although material culture is the primary method ----
           a  human  and  a  machine  via  a  user  interface,     archaeologists  examine  ancient  societies,  learning
           ‘human-machine  interaction’  has  attracted  growing   how to interpret it from a human perspective is one
           attention in recent years.                         of their most crucial tasks ----.
           A)  Referring                                      A)  in which / carrying out
           B)  To be referred                                 B)  that / to have carried out
           C)  Having referred                                C)  which / being carried out

           D)  Referred                                       D)  by which / to carry out
           E)  To refer                                       E)  on which / having carried out

        10. ----  strength,  balance,  and  agility,  windsurfing  is  a   14. Since  communicative  language  teaching  intends
           combination of sailing and surfing ---- on a sailboard.  to provide students with real-life scenarios ---- they
                                                              can  use  their  language  abilities  to  communicate
           A)  Having required / performing                   in the real world, it is probably the most prevalent
                                                              approach ---- English.
           B)  Required / having performed
           C)  Requiring / performed                          A)  that / teaching
           D)  To require / being performed                   B)  which / to have taught

           E)  Being required / having performed              C)  by which / taught
                                                              D)  where / to teach

                                                              E)  in which / to be taught

        11. Studying in a foreign country is a huge decision ---- a   15. Amelia  Earhart,  ----  as  an  American  aviator,  made
           lot of benefits, but it also offers an array of problems,   history in 1928 when she became the first woman ----
           which is why a comprehensive analysis must be the   across the Atlantic Ocean as part of a three-person
           first thing ---- before making a final decision.   crew.
           A)  to bring / to do                               A)  to be known / flying
           B)  having brought / doing                         B)  to know / having flown
           C)  bringing / to be done                          C)  known / to fly
           D)  being brought / having done                    D)  having been known / flown

           E)  brought / to have done                         E)  being known / to be flying

        12. Flip  charts  are  the  most  effective  visual  aids  ----   16. Determining  the  age  of  a  tree  is  called
           during  a  presentation  when  stating  concepts  you   ‘dendrochronology’, and in order to measure the age
           want  to  retain  in  front  of  the  audience  or  for  later   of a tree, the best way ---- is to count its rings, named
           reference.                                         ‘tree-ring dating’.
           A)  utilising                                      A)  having employed

           B)  to be utilised                                 B)  to be employed
           C)  having utilised                                C)  to have employed
           D)  to utilise                                     D)  employed
           E)  to have been utilised                          E)  to be employing

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