Page 146 - 12 YDT
P. 146

Relative Clauses

                                            “the next, the last, the only”:
           ▪ The man about whom we talked yesterday was the last person who got on the bus.
             The man about whom we talked yesterday was the last person to get on the bus.
           ▪ My brother is the only person in the family who realises the danger of doing online shopping on unknown websites.
             My brother is the only person in the family to realise the danger of doing online shopping on unknown websites.
           ▪ The manager is having trouble deciding on the next player who will leave the club next season.
             The manager is having trouble deciding on the next player to leave the club next season.
            Yukarıdaki yapılarda ana cümle ile “Relative Clause” cümlesinin fiilleri arasında zaman farkı olduğunda eğer
             “Relative Clause” cümlesi active (etken) bir cümle ise “to have + V ” yapısı kullanılır.
           ▪ He is the first man who left the burning building without paying attention to the exit plan.
             He is the first man to have left the burning building without paying attention to the exit plan.
           ▪ Lady Bennes is the only woman who took her seat in Parliament for a political party after twenty years.
             Lady Bennes is the only woman to have taken her seat in Parliament for a political party after twenty years.
            Yine  yukarıda  belirttiğimiz  yapılarda  ana  cümle  ile  “Relative  Clause”  cümlesinin  fiilleri  arasında  zaman  farkı
             olduğunda eğer “Relative Clause” cümlesi passive (edilgen) bir yapıda ise “to have + been + V ” yapısı kullanılır.
           ▪ Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship which has been built so far by the Royal Marine.
             Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship to have been built so far by the Royal Marine.
           ▪ Do you remember the name of the last patient who was transferred to another hospital?
             Do you remember the name of the last patient to have been transferred to another hospital?
            Passive  “Relative  Clause”  cümlelerinde  bu  tür  “to  have  +  been  +  V ”  kısaltmaları  yapılırken  cümleden
             “to have + been” cümleden atılarak sadece V  de kullanılabilir.
           ▪ Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship (to have been) built so far by the Royal Marine.
           ▪ Do you remember the name of the last patient (to have been) transferred to another hospital?
            “Someone,  anywhere,  no  one,  everything”  gibi  “indefinite  pronoun”  yapılarında  da  “to  +  infinitive”  yapısı
             kullanılarak kısaltma yapılabilir.
           ▪ We need someone who can work six days a week from home for our new company in Dubai.
             We need someone to work six days a week from home for our new company in Dubai.
           ▪ The students had to eat standing up because they did not have anything that they could sit on.
             The students had to eat standing up because they did not have anything to sit on.
            “Relative Clause” cümlesi modal (can, may, should…) yapılar içerdiği durumlarda da kısaltma yapılabilir. Yine bu
             kısaltmalar yapılırken active cümlelerde “to + infinitive” yapısı kullanırken passive cümlelerde “to + be + V ”
             yapısı kullanılmalıdır. Bazen her iki tür kısaltma yapısı da aynı anlama gelebilir.
           ▪ That dog is lonely; it would be happier if it had a friend that it could play with.
             That dog is lonely; it would be happier if it had a friend to play with.
           ▪ The students have a lot of homework that they must finish by Friday in order to pass the final exam of the faculty.
             The students have a lot of homework to finish by Friday in order to pass the final exam of the faculty.
             The students have a lot of homework to be finished by Friday in order to pass the final exam of the faculty.
        10. “Which” Referring to a Whole Sentence
            “Relative Clause” kendisinden önce gelen isim ya da isim öbeğini nitelendirdiği gibi, bazı durumlarda öncesinde
             gelen tüm cümleyi nitelendirmek için de kullanılabilir. “Relative pronoun” olarak sadece “which” kullanılabilir.
             Bu durumda, “relative clause” cümlesi ana cümlenin sonuna “which” ile beraber eklenir ve virgül ile ayrılması
           ▪ Alex refuses to do his share of the chores. This annoys the others living in the same room.
             Alex refuses to do his share of the chores, which annoys the others living in the same room.
            Bu cümlelerde odada yaşayan diğerlerini sinirlendiren şey “Alex’in üstüne düşen işleri yapmamasıdır.” Yani
             burada “which”, öncesindeki cümlenin tamamını niteler.
           ▪ The little kitten tried to climb the sofa, but it could not. That made the children smile.
             The little kitten tried to climb the sofa, but it could not, which made the children smile.

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