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           ▪ Adults of all ages should engage in regular physical activity, eat a healthier diet, get enough sleep, and thereby
             reduce their risk of developing heart disease.
           ▪ When rivers overflow their banks, wetlands have the capacity to hold or even absorb the excess water, thereby
             helping to control flooding.
           ▪ Antioxidants are renowned for their ability to protect cells from the damage that free radicals cause. Accordingly,
             incorporating antioxidant-rich foods into your diet may have numerous health benefits.
           ▪ Sharks’ bodies are made of cartilage, which gives them a flexible and agile form. Consequently, they are able to
             move more quickly and efficiently through the water.
        that’s why
           ▪ Throughout the life cycle, Omega-3 fatty acids are required for growth and development. That’s why all humans
             should include them in their diets.
        for this reason
           ▪ Tropical mosquitoes are carriers of many deadly diseases; for this reason, it is important to take measures to
             prevent their bites.
        as a result
           ▪ The organisms in an ecosystem interact with each other in different ways, and organisms can also move from one
             ecosystem to another. As a result, establishing the boundaries of protection for a specific ecosystem would probably
             be challenging.
        as a consequence
           ▪ Machines are becoming increasingly advanced in their ability to perform tasks traditionally done by humans. As a
             consequence, many workers are concerned about the possibility of job displacement.
        on this / that account
           ▪ Extreme sports can be dangerous and require a high level of skill and experience. On this account, the decision to
             engage in them should not be taken lightly.
           ▪ Tree pruning helps maintain the healthy and attractive appearance of trees and should be done regularly to promote
             their growth and longevity on that account.
        3. Purpose

        A. Conjunctions
        Bu bağlaçlar amaç bildirir ve ana cümle ile yan cümleyi bağlamak için kullanılır. Bu cümleler arasında zaman
        uyumu bulunmalıdır.                                                                      Video 9.4

                 so that       in order that   for fear that      lest        +    clause

        so that / in order that
        “Böylece, için, diye, -mesi için” anlamlarına gelir. Ana cümle ve yan cümle arasında zaman uyumu aşağıdaki gibi sağlanır.
                Main Clause                                                 Subordinate Clause
                                                                    Simple Present
           Simple Present
           Present Continuous          + so that / in order that +  can
           Present Perfect                                          may
           Present Perfect Continuous                               should
           Simple Future
                                                                    will / will be able to

           ▪ Greenhouses are designed to regulate temperature and humidity levels for plants so that they can thrive in an
             optimal environment.
           ▪ Reforestation  efforts  have  been  undertaken  in  order  that  future  generations  will  be  able  to  benefit  from  the
             environmental and economic advantages that forests provide.

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