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        C. Transitional Words and Phrases
        Karşıt anlam bildiren kelime ya da kelime gruplarıdır. Genel olarak “ancak, buna rağmen, yine de” anlamlarına
        gelirler. Kendilerinden sonra cümle gelir, fakat kendilerinden önce bir cümle olmadan cümle başında kullanılmazlar.
           however                 still                   quite the contrary                    Video 9.8
           nevertheless            but still               in contrast
           nonetheless             yet still               (on the one hand) ... on the other hand
           notwithstanding         but … anyway            instead
           but                     not … but rather        even so
           yet                     on the contrary         all the same
        however / nevertheless / nonetheless / notwithstanding
            “Ancak, buna rağmen, yine de” anlamlarına gelirler. Kendilerinden önce gelen cümleden sonra nokta ya da
             noktalı virgül kullanılır.
           ▪ All paperwork used to be done manually in the past; however / nevertheless / nonetheless / notwithstanding,
             most of it can now be done digitally thanks to the advancements in technology.
           ▪ All paperwork used to be done manually in the past. However / Nevertheless / Nonetheless / Notwithstanding,
             most of it can now be done digitally thanks to the advancements in technology.
        but / yet / still / but … still / yet … still / but … anyway
            “Ama, fakat, yine de” anlamlarına gelirler.
           ▪ Leaders all around the world try to take measures to address pressing global issues such as climate change and
             poverty, but / yet they may sometimes fail to implement them.
           ▪ Leaders all around the world try to take measures to address pressing global issues such as climate change and
             poverty, but / yet they still sometimes fail to implement them.
           ▪ Leaders all around the world try to take measures to address pressing global issues such as climate change and
             poverty. Still, they may sometimes fail to implement them.
            ‘‘But … anyway” anlam olarak aynıdır ancak kullanım olarak farklılık gösterir.
           ▪ Leaders all around the world try to take measures to address pressing global issues such as climate change and
             poverty, but they may sometimes fail to implement them anyway.
        not … but rather
            “… değil, daha ziyade” anlamına gelir. Kendinden önceki cümlenin ifade edildiği gibi olmadığını başka bir
             fikirle belirtir.
           ▪ Making ends meet is  not an easy task for many in the modern world,  but  rather a challenge that requires
             resourcefulness and determination.
        on the contrary / quite the contrary / in contrast
            “Bilakis, tam tersine” anlamlarına gelirler. Bir durumun ya da ifadenin zıddı olduğunu söylemek için kullanılırlar.
           ▪ A: There hasn’t been much progress in automotive design since the early 20  century.
             B: On the contrary / Quite the contrary / In contrast, it has come a long way.
            Olumsuz bir ifadeye katılmak için de kullanılırlar.
           ▪ Many mathematicians do not think that mathematics is a static and unchanging field. On the contrary / Quite the
             contrary / In contrast, they see it as a field of study that is ever-changing.
        (on the one hand) ... on the other hand
            Zıt anlam ifade eden bazı durumlarda “on the one hand” ile “on the other hand” birlikte kullanıldığında “Bir
             yandan … diğer yandan …” anlamına gelir.
           ▪ On the one hand, mobile phones have made communication easier and more efficient than ever before. On the
             other (hand), they have created a world where people are constantly glued to their phones and disconnected from
             their surroundings.

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