Page 175 - 12 YDT
P. 175


        only by / only with
            “Sadece ... ile” anlamına gelirler.

        only by + gerund
           ▪ The world’s climate crisis can be overcome only by taking global action.
           ▪ Only by taking global action can the world’s climate crisis be overcome.
        only with + noun
           ▪ The mayor will only remove the old statue from the town’s square with the consent of the citizens.
           ▪ Only with the consent of the citizens will the mayor remove the old statue from the town’s square.
        not only … but also …
            İki cümleyi birleştirdiğinde “not only” cümlenin başında bulunuyorsa ilk cümle devrik olmalıdır. Ancak cümle
             başında iki özneyi bağlıyorsa cümle devrik olmaz. Fiilin tekil ya da çoğul kullanımını belirlemek için yükleme
             yakın özneye bakılır.
           ▪ Not only did the surgeon operate successfully on the patient, but she also dealt with the complications with great
           ▪ Not only our department but also the entire company will be negatively affected if the project fails.
        no sooner … than
            “-er -mez” anlamına gelir. Daha çok “Past Perfect” ve “Simple Past” ile birlikte kullanılır.
           ▪ The famous rock band had no sooner played its hit song than the audience started to sing together.
           ▪ No sooner had the famous rock band played its hit song than the audience started to sing together.
        hardly / scarcely / barely ... when
            “-er -mez” anlamına gelirler. Daha çok “Past Perfect” ve “Simple Past” ile birlikte kullanılırlar. “Barely … when”
             devrik cümle olarak kullanımı yaygın değildir.
           ▪ The winner had hardly / scarcely / barely received her medal when everyone in the hall cheered enthusiastically.
           ▪ Hardly / scarcely / barely had the winner received her medal when everyone in the hall cheered enthusiastically.
        on no account
            “Hiçbir şekilde, ne koşulda olursa olsun” anlamına gelir.
           ▪ Women should on no account engage in strenuous physical activity if they are pregnant.
           ▪ On no account should women engage in strenuous physical activity if they are pregnant.
        under any / no circumstances
            “Hiçbir  şekilde,  ne  koşulda  olursa  olsun”  anlamlarına  gelirler.  “Under  any  circumstances”  yapısı  ile  devrik
             cümle yapılmaz, ancak olumsuz bir fiille düz cümle yapılır. Devrik cümle ise “under no circumstances” ile yapılır.
           ▪ Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his fellow fighters did not, under any circumstances, leave their nation to its fate.
           ▪ Under no circumstances did Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his fellow fighters leave their nation to its fate.
        9. Reduction of Clauses
        Aşağıdaki yapıların bulunduğu yan cümlelerde kısaltma yapabiliriz.

                 Time               Reason             Condition         Concession
               Clauses              Clauses             Clauses            Clauses              Video 9.14
                 after              because                if              although
                before                 as                unless             though
                 while                since               as if
                 when                                whether … or not
               as soon as

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