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        with / along with
            “İle birlikte, yanında” anlamlarına gelirler.
           ▪ Scientists believe that 66 million years ago, dinosaurs completely disappeared on Earth with / along with many
             other animals, including flying reptiles called pterosaurs.
        in addition to
            “İlave olarak, yanında” anlamlarına gelir.
           ▪ In addition to being durable, USB flash drives are also portable and compatible.
            “Bununla birlikte, yanı sıra ” anlamlarına gelir.
           ▪ Besides being a competent painter, Leonardo da Vinci was also a great engineer, sculptor, and architect.
        apart from / aside from

            “Dışında, -den başka” anlamlarına gelir.
           ▪ Apart  from  /  Aside  from the compulsory courses, there are lots of elective courses that may appeal to you.
             Apart from the ending, the play we watched last night was really good.

        6. Similarity, Explanation, and Exemplification
        Bu yapılar cümlede benzerlik ifade etme, açıklama yapma ve örnek verme amacıyla kullanılır.
        A. Transitional Words and Phrases
                                                                                               Video 9.11
        likewise / similarly
            “Aynı  şekilde,  benzer  biçimde”  anlamlarına  gelirler.  Benzer  olay  ya  da  durumları  ifade  etmek  amacıyla
         Similarity        likewise          similarly
         Explanation       that is           that is to say       namely               in other words
         Exemplification   for example       for instance         to illustrate

           ▪ That young lady fed the stray cats in her neighbourhood, and likewise the ones living in the next block.
           ▪ Most of the human body is water; similarly, water makes up about 71 per cent of the Earth’s surface.
        that is / that is to say / namely / in other words
            “Diğer bir ifadeyle, yani” anlamlarına gelirler. Anlatılmak istenen olayı ya da durumu açıklayıcı bir şekilde ifade
             etmek için kullanılırlar.
           ▪ We can diagnose most diseases thanks to  modern medical  imaging procedures,  namely magnetic resonance
             imaging (MRI) or ultrasound.
           ▪ We cannot see the stars during the day because sunlight is scattered by the Earth’s atmosphere. In other words,
             sunlight prevents us from seeing stars in the daytime.
        for example / for instance / to illustrate

            “Örneğin” anlamına gelirler. Bir olayı ya da durumu örnek göstererek açıklamak amacıyla kullanılırlar.
           ▪ There are some mammals that do not give birth to their babies. The duck-billed platypus, for example / for instance,
             reproduces by laying eggs.
           ▪ Thanks to medical science and technology, the human lifespan has become longer. To illustrate, the average life
             expectancy has increased from 45 years in the 1850s to almost 80 years in recent years.
        B. Prepositional Phrases
        Bu yapılar bahsedilen bir kişi veya nesne türüne daha fazla örnek vermek için kullanılır ve “gibi” anlamına gelir.

        such as
           ▪ Türkiye has been home to many of the earliest cultures and civilisations, such as the Hittites and Byzantines.
           ▪ Applications for people with physical impairments have become more prevalent thanks to technological improvements
             such as voice navigation apps and disability communication tools.

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