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        B. Prepositional Phrases
        Bu yapılar ana cümle ile amaç bildiren ifadeleri bağlamak için kullanılır.

                                                   for the purpose of
                                                                                                 Video 9.5
            in order (not) to                       with a view to
             so as (not) to     + infinitive        with the aim of  +
                                                                         noun clause
               (not) to                               for fear of
                                                    in the event of

        in order (not) to / so as (not) to / (not) to
            “-(me)mek / -(ma)mak amacıyla, -(me)mek / -(ma)mak için” anlamlarına gelir.
           ▪ Take frequent screen breaks during your workday in order to / so as to / to reduce your risk of developing computer
             vision syndrome.
           ▪ Take frequent screen breaks during your workday in order not to / so as not to / not to increase your risk of
             developing computer vision syndrome.
        with a view to / with the aim of
            “-mek / -mak amacıyla, -mek / -mak için” anlamlarına gelir.
           ▪ With the aim of / With a view to maintaining a healthy weight, many people make it a habit of eating healthy,
             exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.
        for fear of
            “Korkusuyla, korkusundan, -den korktuğundan,” anlamına gelir.
           ▪ The couple had to be very quiet while carrying out their chores in the apartment for fear of waking the baby up.
             (=The couple had to be very quiet while carrying out their chores in the apartment for fear that they might wake the
             baby up.)
           ▪ For fear of missing the last train, he hurriedly left the café and sprinted towards the station.
             (=For fear that he might miss the last train, he hurriedly left the café and sprinted towards the station.)
        for the purpose of
            “Üzere, amacıyla, gayesiyle” anlamlarına gelir.
           ▪ For the purpose of having a high-paying career, many young people are planning to pursue a degree in the fields
             of STEM.
             (For the purpose that they could have a high-paying career, many young people are planning to pursue a degree in
             the fields of STEM.)

        4. Concession and Contrast
        A. Conjunctions
           although               much as
                                                                                                 Video 9.6
           even though            much though
           though                 adjective / adverb + as
           whereas                adjective / adverb + though                +     clause
           while                  however + adjective/adverb
           whilst                 no matter + question word
           even if                regardless of + question word
        Bu bağlaçlar ana cümle ile yan cümleyi zıt veya çelişkili durumlarda bağlamak için kullanılırlar.
        although / even though / though
            Bu bağlaçlar “-e rağmen” anlamına gelirler. Zıt durumları ifade etmek için kullanırlar.
           ▪ Soil erosion is often caused by poor agricultural practices although / even though / though it can also be triggered
             by natural phenomena such as severe storms, flooding, and wildfires.
           ▪ Although / Even though / Though all young planets have rings, Saturn’s are the most prominent and easily visible,
             even with small telescopes.

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