Page 166 - 12 YDT
P. 166


                Main Clause                                                 Subordinate Clause

           Simple Past                 + so that / in order that +  might
           Past Perfect                                             should
                                                                    would / would be able to

           ▪ A group of scientists conducted extensive research on the effects of caffeine on the human brain so that they would
             be able to create a medicine to enhance cognitive performance.
           ▪ World governments funded several preservation programmes to protect cultural heritage sites in order that they
             could be experienced by generations to come.
            “Should” hem present hem de past durumlarda “so that” ve “in order that” yapıları ile kullanıldığında cümleye
             “zayıf bir olasılık” (olur da …) anlamı verir.
           ▪ Adults often keep their medicines in locked cabinets or drawers so that children should not reach or see them.
        “So that” Expressing Purpose or “So (that)” Expressing Result
            Sonuç bildiren “so” bağlacı “so that” olarak kullanıldığında amaç bildiren “so that” ile ayrımına dikkat etmeliyiz.
        ▪  You should avoid contact with people who have colds or are sick with other infections, so (that) you can prevent
           yourself from becoming ill. (Expressing result=therefore)
        ▪  You should avoid contact with people who have colds or are sick with other infections so that you can prevent yourself
           from becoming ill. (Expressing purpose=in order that)
            Amaç bildiren “so that” ile past tense kullanılmaz, ancak past modal (would / could / would be able to) kullanılabilir.
        ▪  After graduating from medical school, he obtained additional training and certifications so that he would become a
           successful surgeon. (Expressing purpose)
        ▪  After graduating from medical school, he obtained additional training and certifications, so (that) he became a successful
           surgeon. (Expressing result)
            Amaç bildiren “so that” ile “was / were able to” kullanılmaz.
        ▪  She properly prepared her presentation so that / in order that she could get her ideas across and succeeded in
           making an impact on the audience. (Expressing purpose)
        ▪  She properly prepared her presentation, (so that) she was able to get her ideas across and succeeded in making an
           impact on the audience. (Expressing result)
            Amaç bildiren “so that” cümlenin başında da ortasında da kullanılabilir. Fakat sonuç bildiren “so that” cümlenin başına getirilemez.
        ▪  So that radioactive wastes can be eliminated safely, they must be kept in appropriate containers and transported to a
           designated disposal site.

        for fear that
            “Korkusuyla” anlamına gelir.
           Present tense + for fear that + may / might / should
        ▪  Environmentalists advocate reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to renewables for fear that continued reliance
           on fossil fuels may lead to irreversible damage to the planet.
           Past tense + for fear that + might / should
        ▪  A great number of countries adopted strict regulations and safety protocols for fear that nuclear power plants might
           pose a risk to public safety.
            “Diye, olmasın diye, korkusu ile” anlamlarına gelir. Cümle yapısı olarak olumlu ancak anlam olarak olumsuz bir
             anlama sahiptir.
        ▪  The crew members of a vessel need to ensure that all passengers are seated properly before setting sail lest an
           unfortunate accident should occur. (Talihsiz bir kaza olmasın diye…)
        ▪  The crew members of a vessel need to ensure that all passengers are seated properly before setting sail in case an
           unfortunate accident may occur. (Talihsiz bir kaza olur diye…)

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