Page 181 - 12 YDT
P. 181


           5.  Natural processes do not replenish non-renewable resources in a timely manner on a human timescale. Namely / For
              instance, fossil fuels, the most non-renewable energy sources, take millions of years to form.
           6.  One of the easiest ways to prevent type 2 diabetes is to eat wholesome plant foods and healthy fats. Similarly / That is,
              you can lower your risk by doing regular physical activity.
           7.  During the 20  century, the widespread adoption of intensive agricultural practices, what’s more / along with overgrazing
              and deforestation, contributed to the degradation of some agricultural lands.
        E)  Complete the sentences with paired conjunctions. More than one answer is possible.
           1.  Elephants are incredibly smart and have excellent memories. During a severe drought in 1993, researchers monitored
              three herds of elephants and discovered that they ________ recognised one another ________ remembered paths to
              alternative food and water sources when their habitual areas became dry.
           2.  Last year, rapid tests that could indicate ________ infections are caused by viruses ________ bacteria were trialled at the
              University of Bristol, England.
           3.  There is no single procedure for researching the effects of global warming. Researchers can use ________ qualitative
              ________ quantitative methods to explore the consequences of climate change on biodiversity.
           4.  The lawyer had ________ entered the courtroom ________ he realised that he was in the wrong room.
           5.  The commission was assembled to negotiate the environmental issues, but ________ pollution ________ climate change
              was discussed because of the tension among the members.
           6.  Contrary to early beliefs that the brain is shaped by heredity alone, recent studies have shown that ________ genetics
              ________ the environment influence cognitive development.
           7.  Liam had ________ looked through his telescope ________ he spotted an asteroid.
           8.  ________ you exercise for a healthy life style ________ to look fit, you will benefit a lot from doing sports.

        F)  Rewrite the sentences in their inverted forms.
           1.  Democracy functions properly only when all people in a nation are equally involved.
           2.  People could not access this vast amount of information so quickly until the Internet was invented.
           3.  If they damage a product, customers will not, under any circumstances, get a refund.
           4.  I had barely taken that pill when I started to show symptoms of an allergic reaction.
           5.  A scientist should on no account disregard scientific principles, ethical standards, or values.

        G)  Fill in the blanks with appropriate conjunctions from the box below.
            in contrast to         so                    though                 for instance

            but                    besides               lest                   as

           1.  _____________ the results be misinterpreted, it is important to conduct additional experiments to validate the findings.

           2.  _____________ the academic benefits, extracurricular activities have been shown to foster important life skills such as
              leadership, teamwork, and time management.
           3.  The new teaching method improved critical thinking skills, _____________ it caused some students to feel overwhelmed.
           4.  Project-based learning promotes active participation and better learning outcomes _____________ traditional teaching
           5.  _____________ sports have health benefits, athletes should be mindful of potential risks, such as injury or overexertion.
           6.  Online learning has become increasingly popular, as it offers flexibility for students. _____________, online courses allow
              students to study at their own pace and on their own schedule.
           7.  Regular exercise has numerous benefits for physical and mental health, _____________ incorporating physical activity into
              daily routines can improve overall well-being.
           8.  Many cities are investing in public transportation systems _____________ they offer more sustainable and efficient ways
              of moving people.

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