Page 28 - 12 YDT
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            Cinema, theatre gibi kelimeler ile kullanırken
              ▪ Going to the cinema, one of the most popular pastimes for many, provides an affordable form of family entertainment.
            Eser, tarihi yer ve müze isimleri kullanırken
              ▪ Most ancient Egyptian artefacts in  the British Museum  were  found  during  excavations  carried  out  by  British
                 archaeologists and explorers.
            Soyad kullanılarak bir aileyi tanımlarken
              ▪ The Smiths had a good relationship with their new neighbour, who seemed to be very respectable until it turned out
                 that he was involved in financial fraud.
        Zero article: No article at all
            Genel bir şeyden bahsederken
              ▪ An inventor needs inspiration to create something new and groundbreaking, but it is not always easy to find.
              ▪ Children should not be allowed to use scissors unattended, or else they could get hurt or injured.
            Soyut kavramlardan bahsederken
              ▪ Society is made up of distinct groups or classes of people, each of which has different attitudes and beliefs about
                 the world.
              ▪ No one exactly knows what outer space is like, but the latest images might give us some idea of what it would be like
                 to live there.

        Kategorilerine göre article kullanımlarını aşağıdaki tablodan inceleyebilirsiniz:

                             Indefinite article: a / an  Definite article: the       Zero article: Ø

                                                       the Volga, the USA,
                                                                                Lake Van, America, Mount
                                                       the Alps, the Earth,
          Places           Is there a lake near here?                           Ilgaz, Venus, Camomile
                                                       the Indian Ocean,
                                                                                Street, Paris, Rhodes
                                                       the Prince Isles

                                                       go to the school / hospital  go to school / hospital
          Public Buildings  Is there a post office near here?
                                                       (ziyaretçi olarak)       (öğrenci / hasta olarak)
          Entertainment    Let’s sing a song!          go to the cinema,        play tennis, listen to music,
          and Sport        I’ve got a tennis racket.   play the guitar          watch TV

          Travel           catch a train, take a taxi  on the plane, in the car  go by car, go home on foot

                                                                                next week, in 1987, in June,
          Time             in a minute, in an hour     in the 1920s, in the morning
                                                                                on Monday, at noon

                           The country does not have an   the police, the fire brigade,
          Organisations                                                         UNICEF, NATO, NASA
                           army.                       the UN (the United Nations)

          Health           have a cold / cough / fever  have the measles / the flu  arthritis, hypertension

                                                       the Queen, the Principal  become president,
          People and       work as an engineer,        the poor (= poor people)  Greeks,
          Work             have a job                  the Potters (= the Potter   go to work, be at work,
                                                       family)                  have work to do

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