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P. 31


          Bütün isimlerle
          kullanılabilen miktar                                Örnekler
                                A lot of / Lots of the hens have laid eggs, but the supply is not enough to keep pace with demand.
          a lot of / lots of (the)  Patients have to go through a lot of / lots of pain during the procedure, but in the end, they can
                                walk out of the hospital feeling well.
                                All of the garbage thrown out by passengers is mostly paper and wrappings.
                                All shirts in the recent collection of the famous designer are of high quality and are made of cotton,
          all (of) (the)        linen, or silk.
                                During the meeting, all planning must be finalised, and the delegation for the next meeting must
                                be selected.
                                Any child has the right to education, which is necessary for the further development of his / her
          any (of the)          The families are okay with any (of the) tutors as long as they know they are qualified.
                                Any vegetable oil can be used for frying instead of butter if you intend to reheat the food at a later
                                The manager said he read enough of the report to get the main idea and a general impression
          enough (of) (the)     of its contents.
                                Babies need to have enough sleep to stay healthy, especially during the first three years of life.
                                Experts in literature claim that much of the story is based on the author’s relationship with his
                                wife, Zelda.
          much of the
                                When  much  of  the  cheese produced on a farm goes to waste, its disposal through  landfills
                                increases the methane produced from the decomposition process.

                                Most of the flat was covered with pink-and-gold carpeting, while the office areas had grey cement
                                Most of the sheep fell ill within the first week of the two-week journey as they had not been
          most (of the)
                                provided with enough food and water.
                                Most (of the) information in the book was related to astronomy; however, a few sections did not
                                have anything to do with stars and planets.
                                There was no bookcase in the study room, and the rooms at the bottom of the stairs did not have
                                any bookcases in them either.
                                The old couple had no children they could leave the farm to, so they decided to sell up and move
                                to the city.
                                If you think you have no time for yourself, you should definitely reconsider, as it is more likely that
                                you are misusing your time.
                                None of the members were in favour of the proposal, so it was voted down.
          none of (the)         None of your evidence is enough to provide a pretext for arresting the suspect, but there is enough
                                evidence to support a criminal investigation.

                                Plenty of (the) applicants have their own reasons for wanting to work for the company, from
                                having the status or prestige to simply the experience of getting a foot in the door.
          plenty of (the)
                                One needs plenty of interest to become an expert on a particular subject, whether it is basketball,
                                goldfish breeding, or volcanoes.
                                During the last brainstorming session, some (of the) ideas put forward included an advertisement
                                for the movie itself and a follow-up novel.
          some (of the)
                                Some of the money in the case was insufficiently documented, so it had to be returned to the
                                A large quantity of lakes and rivers can be found in Canada because of the country’s topography
          a large / small quantity of  and climate. The earth has a small quantity of gold, most of which formed early in the earth’s
                                history when intense heat and pressure were common.

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