Page 29 - 12 YDT
P. 29


        Difference Words
        Other, Another, The Other

            “Other” ve “another” belirleyicileri farklı, kalan veya ek bir şeye atıfta bulunurlar ve bir ismin önüne gelirler.
             “The  other”,  kullanımı  bunlardan  farklı  olarak,  önündeki  “the”  sözcüğünden  de  anlaşılacağı  gibi  belirli
             şeylerden bahsederken kullanılır.

                              Other (belirli olmayan)  Another (belirli olmayan)  The other (belirli)
             Tekil                     X                  another survivor          the other car
             Çoğul                 other letters                X                  the other cars

             Sayılamayan         other information              X                  the other honey

              ▪ Some scientists think that if the common cold virus were exposed to UV light, it would be irreversibly inactivated,
                 while other scientists claim that the virus would only be weakened, not destroyed.
              ▪ As a result of last night’s search and rescue efforts, another survivor was found near the crash site.
              ▪ The world has two hemispheres; one is dominated by the sun, while the moon dominates the other hemisphere.
              ▪ There are seven continents in the world; among them, Antarctica is not populated, while the other continents are
                 home to  millions of people.
              ▪ You can use either brand of honey for the recipe, but I prefer this to the other honey because it has a richer taste.

            Miktar belirleyicilerin (quantifiers) bazıları yalnızca sayılabilen (tekil ya da çoğul) isimlerle, bazıları yalnızca
             sayılamayan isimlerle, bazıları hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılırlar.
          Sadece sayılabilen            * T: Tekil
          isimlerle kullanılan   T  Ç                          Örnekler
          miktar belirleyiciler           Ç: Çoğul
                                      A couple of students have passed their exams, thereby becoming entitled to
          a couple of
                                      proceed further in their own country’s medical schools.
          a / the majority of         A majority of people are involved in sports in one way or another, which can help
          (the)                       boost energy levels and promote health and wellness.
                                      A number of problems may arise while treating a patient with septic shock,
          a number of
                                      depending on the severity of his / her illness.
                                      Both (of the) pupils come from prestigious families and are therefore accustomed to
          both (of) (the)             a comfortable lifestyle.
                                      Both of you had better behave yourselves, or else I will have to make sure that you do.
                                      Managers need to report their findings to superiors each week, so departments must
                                      have somebody who collects all the reports and delivers them to higher-ups.
          each (of the)
                                      Each of the characters in the game has their own distinct personality, and the player
                                      can interact with them to unlock new abilities.
                                      Either choice is problematic in that they both lack a response to the valid criticisms
                                      being made by proponents of climate change theory.
          either (of the)
                                      Either of her hands is always in the pocket of her jacket, making her seem more
                                      nervous and unsure of herself.
                                      Every password you create should be unique and hard to crack so that unauthorised
                                      people cannot guess or discover it.
                                      One of the employees had a work accident and sued the company for damages
          one of the
                                      with a claim of $75,000.

                 Video 2.4   Video 2.5   Video 2.6   Video 2.7   Video 2.8   Video 2.9   Video 2.10

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