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P. 30


          Sadece sayılabilen            * T: Tekil
          isimlerle kullanılan   T  Ç                          Örnekler
          miktar belirleyiciler           Ç: Çoğul

                                      Neither parent was willing to expose their kid to the ills of the big city, so they
                                      sent her to a boarding school that emphasised education and character-building.
          neither (of the)
                                      Neither of the two drivers gives any sign of knowing how to drive, and frankly, I
                                      am amazed they did not crash into each other.
                                      Children spent the entire morning singing songs and playing while their teacher
                                      gave instructions on the importance of sharing.
          the / an entire
                                      People have always wondered how an entire continent, i.e. Atlantis, could have
                                      been submerged without breaking into pieces.
                                      Reading the whole book in a single sitting does not seem possible because there is
                                      so much you need to process.
          the whole (of) (the)
                                      The whole of the poet’s life was devoted to observing the world in detail and
                                      describing what he saw.
          (only) a few (of            (Only) A few (of the) eggs were cracked, and each egg was dropped into a
          the)                        specially designed machine, which determined if the eggs were edible.

                                      Few (of the) cities in the region are as prestigious as İstanbul, and for centuries, it
          few (of the)
                                      has enjoyed a special role as the place where Europe meets Asia.
                                      The males of the species are as large as a football, while the females are half their
          half (of) (the)
                                      Half of the districts in the country are below the poverty line, and 40 per cent of the
                                      citizens do not have access to clean drinking water.
                                      The members of the committee put forward many (of the) ideas, and the final
          many (of the)               decision was made based on suggestions received from different segments of
                                      Several (of the) kids have volunteered to help with the project, which is very kind,
          several (of the)
                                      but they will have to be well-monitored for safety reasons.

          Sadece sayılamayan
          isimlerle kullanılan miktar                            Örnekler

                                  A large amount of data was collected thanks to the large budget provided by the Office of
          a great / large amount of
                                  Research and Development.
                                  There is a good deal of doubt about whether the negotiations will be useful or a hindrance to
          a good / great deal of
                                  wider talks with other countries, including the US and the EU.
                                  (Only) A little (of the) radar equipment has fallen into enemy hands, and the rest of it has been
          (only) a little (of the)
                                  destroyed or damaged beyond use.
                                  Little (of the) sugar sold in the market is derived from sugar cane; most is made from the sap of
          little (of the)
                                  maple trees.
                                  There is much unemployment in the town, so people are on low incomes, and many families
                                  have to borrow money from their local bank.

        “Some”, “any”, “no”, “many” ve “much” kelimelerinin hangi cümlelerde kullanıldığını aşağıdaki tablodan inceleyebilirsiniz:

          Cümle Türleri      some             any           no      many               much

          Olumlu (+)           √          (“herhangi bir”   √         √      √ (“çok” anlamında beğenme, sevme
                                           anlamında)                          anlamına gelen fiillerle birlikte)
          Olumsuz (-)          x                            x         √                  √
                                         (“hiç” anlamında)
                       √  (teklif ve rica belirten
          Soru (?)                             √            x         √                  √
                         soru cümlelerinde)

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