Page 43 - Grammar For YDT - 12
P. 43
4. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
“The Present Perfect Continuous Tense”de olumlu, olumsuz ve soru yapıları aşağıdaki tabloda gösterildiği gibi oluşturulur.
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You / We / They We have been singing at the party. We haven’t been singing at the party. Have we been singing at the party?
He / She / It He has been singing at the party. He hasn’t been singing at the party. Has he been singing at the party?
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Geçmişte başlayan ve konuşma anında devam eden eylemler
▪ Students are unable to make a sentence in English although they have been learning it for four years. Video 3.9
Tamamlanmış fakat konuşma anında etkisi devam eden eylemler
▪ The servants have been cleaning the house since morning. Everything, particularly the windows, is clean and shiny.
Son zamanlarda gerçekleşen eylemler
▪ Our next-door neighbour hasn’t been feeling very well since his company went bankrupt.
Time Expressions Used in the Present Perfect Continuous Tense
for since in the last … in the past … for the last …
for the past … recently lately all …
▪ My grandfather has been doing street photography for the past three years.
▪ Recently, archaeologists have been working on this site to unearth the ancient city.
▪ The inspectors have been investigating the case for a few weeks.
Video 3.10
▪ The debate team has been practicing for the upcoming competition all month, and they feel well-prepared.
The Present Perfect Tense or The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Geçmişte başlayıp, içinde bulunduğumuz anda hala devam etmekte olan ya da henüz tamamlanmış olan bir
eylemi anlatan bazı fiiller hem “The Present Perfect Tense” hem de “The Present Perfect Continuous Tense”
ile anlam farkı olmaksızın kullanılabilir.
live work learn lie
rain snow study want
hope sleep stand look
sit stay wait teach
▪ How long have you lived / have you been living here? Video 3.11
▪ As it is the time of monsoon rains, it has rained / has been raining quite much lately.
“Non-progressive” olarak nitelediğimiz fiiller “The Present Perfect Tense” ile kullanılır. Fakat “hope, want, wish”
fiilleri “The Present Perfect Continuous Tense” ile de kullanılabilir.
▪ As they have known each other all their lives, they are best friends for a long time.
▪ The teachers at the school have been hoping for the student to apologise for his misbehavior for a long time.
Eylemin konuşma anına kadar süren bölümünü ifade etmek için “The Present Perfect Continuous Tense”,
eylemin tamamlanmış bölümünü ifade etmek için “The Present Perfect Tense” kullanılır.
▪ Developed countries have been spending enormous amounts of money for space exploration since the middle of the
20 century, and they have sent many spacecrafts to complete this mission.
Sıklık bildiren zaman zarfları ile sadece “The Present Perfect Tense” kullanılır.
▪ Although my parents strictly oppose my studying abroad, I have always dreamt of it since my childhood.