P. 279


                                                   2022 YDT (ÖSYM)

        12.  ----  we  often  consider  the  word  ‘fluid’  to  apply  only  to   15.  Leaders from Athens, Mexico City, Paris and Madrid have
            liquids,  gases  are  also  accepted  as  fluids  in  physics   recently announced that diesel vehicles will be banned in
            since they behave similarly in many situations.        their cities from 2025 ---- pollution concerns.

            A) Because                                             A) in spite of
            B) In order that                                       B) except for
            C) Although                                            C) due to
            D) By the time                                         D) along with
            E) Provided that                                       E) by means of

        13.  ---- knows for certain, but it is believed by ---- scientists
            that  during  sleep  the  brain  organises,  processes  and
            stores information, and produces memories.
            A) Anyone / each
            B) No one / most
            C) Someone / plenty of
            D) Another / all
            E) One / both

        14.  After a supernova, the inner remnant of the star continues
            to collapse, depending on its size it will form ---- a neutron
            star  ----  a  black  hole,  where  the  collapse  has  become
            A) either / or
            B) as / as
            C) so / that
            D) such / as
            E) just as / so

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