P. 277


                                                   2022 YDT (ÖSYM)

                                                               4.  As their pregnancy ----, most women become increasingly
           1. - 8. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere        short  of  breath  because  of  the  effect  of  the  hormone
           uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
                                                                   progesterone on the central breathing system.

                                                                   A) expands
        1.  Fairly  accurate  meteorological  ----  are  often  made  by
                                                                   B) progresses
            looking at the shape of clouds and watching how they
            change.                                                C) persuades
                                                                   D) differs
            A) causes
                                                                   E) boosts
            B) predictions
            C) speculations

            D) inclusions
            E) expansions

        2.  The  food  industry,  encompassing  businesses  that   5.  World War II was a catastrophic event that was by far the
            produce,  package,  prepare,  and  serve  foods  and   most deadly and destructive war in human history as it
            beverages,  brings  us  a  food  supply  which  is  ----  and   raged on for almost six years in Europe and ---- the death
            readily available.                                     of millions of civilians.
            A) decisive                                            A) resulted in
            B) abundant                                            B) stemmed from
            C) obsolete                                            C) took over

            D) futile                                              D) turned into
            E) implicit                                            E) amounted to

        3.  Although children’s literature is intended ---- for children,   6.  The Louvre Museum in Paris, which ---- in 1793 to display
            it  is  more  accurate  to  view  such  texts  as  having  dual   the  royal  art  collection,  ----  throughout  the  years  as
            audiences of children and adults.                      subsequent rulers increased the size of the collection.

            A) tightly                                             A) had been founded / had been growing
            B) primarily                                           B) has been founded / is growing
            C) vividly                                             C) was being founded / grew
            D) allegedly                                           D) is founded / will grow
            E) divisively                                          E) was founded / has grown

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