P. 272
7. (I) The first radiographs in Türkiye were taken in 1896 at the 10. (I) Niagara Falls, the largest and most powerful waterfall in
Imperial Medical School by Esad Feyzi, an intern physician who North America, was formed due to depressions created by ice
had installed Istanbul’s first roentgen machine. (II) He shot the floes 10 thousand years ago. (II) Compared to where it once
first X-ray films in the Ottoman Empire just a few months after stood, the waterfall had risen twelve kilometres in elevation.
the discovery of x-ray. (III) In 1895, W. C. Roentgen made the (III) The Maid of the Mist is the pier where the boat tour starts,
ground-breaking discovery of X-rays, which was immediately which gives the opportunity to visit the Niagara River. (IV)
put in use all over the globe. (IV) He performed X-rays on Over time, it has come to its present location by eroding the
soldiers wounded during the Turkish-Greek war, which may stones where it flows. (V) More than 168,000 cubic metres of
have been the first documented instance of imaging bullets water flow from the waterfall in half a minute.
and shrapnel embedded in the bodies of wounded soldiers.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
(V) More importantly, this may have been the first time the
X-ray method was used in military surgery worldwide.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
8. (I) Using computers for extended periods of time can cause 11. (I) Wisdom teeth, commonly known as “twenty-year-old teeth,”
eye strain, leading to vision problems for some people. (II) are the final adult teeth to emerge. (II) The manner in which the
People, therefore, frequently remark that their eyes are tired wisdom tooth surgery will be performed is totally determined
and their eye muscles are stiff. (III) Made of very flexible by the position of the tooth, as revealed in the x-ray scans.
stainless steel, modern and lightweight rimless glasses are (III) Wisdom teeth, which are molars at the back of the jaw, do
available today. (IV) The use of appropriate eyeglasses for not adapt to the jaw structure in most people, causing pain,
reading on a computer screen will assist in reducing this abscess formation, and discomfort. (IV) In addition to causing
strain. (V) As a result, your risk of developing Computer Vision significant discomfort, it can deteriorate the jaw structure and
Syndrome (CVS) will be significantly reduced. have a negative impact on the health of other surrounding
teeth. (V) Therefore, it is advantageous to undergo a control
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V by visiting dentists at the start of the wisdom teeth.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
9. (I) Photosynthesis is a process utilised by plants and other 12. (I) Misbeliefs about the costs and hazards of exercise can lead
creatures to transform light energy into chemical energy, the elderly to self-imposed activity restrictions. (II) Therefore,
which is then released to power the organism’s activities maintaining a consistent level of physical activity can be
via cellular respiration. (II) The green portion of the light challenging for them, especially considering the fact that the
spectrum is not absorbed but instead reflected, which is why benefits of exercise are not seen immediately. (III) Their negative
most plant species are green. (III) Some of this chemical attitudes are responsible for many obstacles preventing them
energy is stored in the sugars and starches generated from from participating in physical activity. (IV) For this reason, it
carbon dioxide and water. (IV) Although photosynthesis is is essential that physical activity intervention programs take
accomplished differently by different species, the process into account non-physical components, such as prejudice. (V)
always begins with the absorption of light energy by Self-efficacy is a theory with widespread application, and it is
chlorophyll-containing proteins known as reaction centres. used to understand health behaviour and help the behavioural
(V) In plants, these proteins are contained within organelles transformation process.
known as chloroplasts, which are most prevalent in leaf cells,
but in bacteria, they are encapsulated within the cell surface. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V