P. 269

ENGLISH                                              1 ST
                                                Irrelevant Sentence-3

                                                               4.  (I)  The Ancient City of Bathonea is located within the
           Cümleler   sırasıyla   okunduğunda   parçanın   anlam   boundaries of Istanbul University by Küçükçekmece Lake
           bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   today.  (II) Bathonea was a port city that had hosted many
        1.  (I) Pablo Picasso, who had a major impact on 20 -century   states and empires, from the Hittites to the Romans and
            art, was a pioneering artist who created many works in   Byzantines to the Ottomans.  (III) The discovery of medical
            different fields during his 92 years on this planet.  (II) He   supplies in the excavations reveals that this place was a kind
            was not only a great painter, but he was also a sculptor,   of hospital or medical centre. (IV) 9,000-year-old agricultural
            printmaker, ceramicist, etching artist, and writer.  (III) David   tools, as well as raw materials from which tools were produced
            Hockney’s works are clearly influenced by Picasso in some   in the region, have been unearthed. (V) As the excavations
            form, as evidenced by his exhibitions. (IV) From naturalism to   continue, the world of medicine, the processes associated
            cubism, surrealism, and beyond, his works shaped the course   with it, dating back 4000 years, and previous studies in this
            of modern and contemporary art across the decades.  (V)   field will be able to be examined.
            Additionally, Picasso survived two world wars, fathered four   A) I    B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
            children, acted in movies, and wrote poetry.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

                                                               5.  (I) Access to adequate water supplies is central to a sustainable
                                                                   future, and climate change is expected to lead to more water
                                                                   scarcity problems in several regions. (II) Wastewater reuse
                                                                   refers to extracting and using alternative water supplies for
        2.  (I) Animals begin their lives either as an egg or as a baby born
                                                                   non-potable purposes. (III) This includes the use of rainwater,
            ready to begin their own existence. (II) Metamorphosis is a
                                                                   the collection of surface water, and the recycling of grey water,
            term used to describe the transformation of animals during
                                                                   which comes from used water from baths, showers, and hand-
            their life cycle. (III) For example, a mother butterfly lays eggs
                                                                   washing sinks. (IV) Wastewater reuse technologies have the
            that hatch into caterpillars that are the next generation. (IV)
                                                                   potential to save a significant amount of water, making them a
            The caterpillar develops in size as it consumes food, and
                                                                   valuable option for water supply in areas of water scarcity. (V)
            finally, it is ready to convert into a butterfly at the appropriate
                                                                   To illustrate how amazing they are: 24 per cent of household
            time. (V) During the transformation process, inside a chrysalis,
                                                                   water is used for flushing toilets and 4 per cent for gardening,
            the caterpillar’s body transforms into a butterfly.
                                                                   which means that a wastewater reuse system could save at
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                least a quarter if installed for these purposes.
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

                                                               6.  (I) The future of fashion is not just about improving the existing
        3.  (I) Children keep more of what they have learned in their minds   functions of garments. (II) Some researchers have come up
            for many different reasons, and they naturally learn more and   with entirely new uses for clothing — for example, turning the
            faster. (II) This is because their minds are more open to new   wearer into a walking power socket. (III) Flexible solar panels
            ideas, they have a less stable stance towards learning, and   sewn into the fabric could soak up the sun to charge phones
            the people around them encourage them to learn something   or other devices on the go. (IV) If worn in the full sun for an
            new.  (III) However, with the advancing age, this process   hour,  the  solar  cells  can  store  enough  energy  to  charge  a
            begins to slow down. (IV) This could be an excellent way to   typical smartphone by 50 per cent. (V) Moreover, some types
            assist children in developing their abilities while they are still   of fabric, thanks to the material made by weaving together
            young. (V) The most important reason for this is that people   zinc oxide nanowires with regular textile fibres, could harvest
            trust more what they know as they grow older.          energy directly from the wearer’s movement.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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