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7. (I) Scientists are still working on how climate change 10. (I) A theatre club at a university is one of the clubs that attracts
will influence winter weather. (II) As days pass, they are the attention of students the most. (II) Hundreds of students
becoming sure that Arctic warming is producing harsher and apply for its audition; however, a limited number of students
more winter storms. (III) However, temperatures will continue who are really gifted in acting can be accepted into this club.
to rise, which means extreme weather could continue to (III) It is a unique activity that requires the investment of time
shape climate change beliefs in the upcoming years. (IV) A and energy of many individuals to create a work of theatre art.
recent study carried out by one of these scientists suggests (IV) Certain responsibilities, which all the participants have
that the barrier between cold Arctic air and warm tropical air to take, accompany this privilege. (V) How actors and crew
is becoming more unstable. (V) That is why the flow of air members respond to these responsibilities often determines
moving is becoming increasingly possible to deliver harsh their success in plays.
winter storms from the Arctic to other parts of the world.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
11. (I) Beowulf is regarded as one of the most important works
8. (I) It is estimated that over four million tons of waste are
of Anglo-Saxon literature. (II) The story was passed down
discarded throughout the world every day. (II) Plastic makes
from generation to generation before and after the migration
up around 12.8 per cent of the waste, posing significant
of the Anglo-Saxons from Scandinavia into England. (III) The
concerns for animals. (III) Additionally, in the production
characters in Beowulf could not have been Christian since the
phase of plastic, too many natural materials such as cellulose,
Anglo-Saxons had not met Christianity in the pre-migration
natural gas, or crude oil are wasted. (IV) For example, some
period. (IV) It tells how a young nobleman called Beowulf
animals mistake plastic for food, while others can become
travels to Denmark to kill Grendel, a monster that attacks the
entangled in trash. (V) The possibility to eliminate such
king’s castle and eats his men every night. (V) According to
problems is in the hands of humanity, though.
the story, Beowulf pretends to be asleep in the castle hall,
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V waits for the enemy, then rips off one of the monster’s arms
with his bare hands.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
9. (I) Wheat is a very important food that is obtained by drying 12. (I) For the first time, doctors have attempted to edit a man’s
and breaking the cleaned wheat grains after boiling. (II) When genes inside his body. (II) The patient is 44-year-old Brian
compared to other foods, it is considered superior as it is Madeux, who suffers from a rare genetic disease that has left
natural, pulp-free, and produced without chemical processing. him progressively weakened over the course of his life. (III) His
(III) Also, it does not contain additives. (IV) Firik, which is liver cannot produce an enzyme necessary for breaking down
a special type of wheat, is collected and boiled before the a type of carbohydrate, something researchers hope to repair
wheat ripens and leaves a sooty taste in the mouth as it is with a gene-editing technique called zinc-finger nucleases.
dried on embers. (V) In addition to these, the fact that it is a (IV) Gene-editing has been attempted on cells inside a patient
good source of folic acid and B group vitamins makes wheat by doctors in California. (V) It is too soon to know whether or
important in adult, child, and pregnancy nutrition. not the gene-editing has worked in Mr Madeux’s case.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V