P. 264
7. (I) Al-Khwarizmi, who lived in the 9 century, is one of the 10. (I) Every object in orbit around the Earth is called a satellite. (II)
most important mathematicians in the history of humanity, who We have artificial satellites which are made by scientists and
discovered algebra and algorithms, and who first explained placed in orbit with the help of special rockets and natural ones
the number zero. (II) Many important scientists have been like the Moon. (III) Before being launched to a certain spot in
trained in Turkish and Islamic geography. (III) Almost all of space by a rocket, a satellite is equipped with solar panels to
Khwarizmi’s books were translated into Latin and used in generate power and transponders, as well as minicomputers
western countries. (IV) This tremendous genius was not only which administer all its functions. (IV) Scientists also have to
interested in mathematics, but also his studies in the fields of make exact calculations about the altitude and speed, and
astronomy and geography have survived to the present day. all those calculations are imparted to the satellite, and then
(V) From the name of Al-Khwarizmi, translated into Latin as it is put into orbit. (V) Vanguard 1, the Earth’s oldest artificial
Algoritmi, originated the term algorithm. satellite in orbit, will stay in orbit for centuries despite having
stopped communicating with the Earth long ago.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
8. (I) It was in the age of Shakespeare that fairies first appeared 11. (I) The basic requirement for our bird friends to live in our
in stories, and they were popular until the 18 century. (II) The house in a healthy way is love. (II) Birds that are shown care
origins of fairies can be seen in Greek mythology; however, and love will be peaceful and happy. (III) At the same time,
we can encounter similar creatures in earlier cultures. (III) For cage selection is also an extremely important issue. (IV)
instance, these creatures were initially considered to be the Regular cleaning of the cages helps the birds feel fresh and
gods of pagan religions. (IV) In Greek and Roman culture, they safe. (V) Various bacterial diseases or infections are among
were believed to be gods as well, but they gradually became the causes of vomiting in birds.
smaller, less powerful figures as they lost importance. (V) In
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
today’s world, they are told to children just to improve their
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
9. (I) Research on the heatwave in south-western Canada 12. (I) The development of internet technology has brought the
claimed that its intensity would have been impossible if it had use of social media with it. (II) This advancement, which has
not been for the planet-warming greenhouse gases having become well established in our lives, has led to an increase in
been emitted into the atmosphere over the past 120 years. the number of people using it. (III) Social media platforms are
(II) Due to the heat that went above 38 C, hundreds of people not only places where people meet their socialising needs,
died in the region. (III) According to a study published this but they are also places where people have the opportunity to
summer, climate change could be the reason for more than a express themselves easily. (IV) However, this comes with the
third of all heat-related deaths worldwide. (IV) And it is those risks of endangering their security and privacy. (V) People can
already suffering the most—from lower incomes, poor health, make countless social media posts during the day for different
or old age—are most affected by this heat. (V) Even plants reasons, such as being popular, liked, and appreciated.
and animals struggle to cope with extreme heat, too.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V