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7. (I) The plant seeds are in high demand across the western 10. (I) Broken phone screens may be a thing of the past thanks
United States. (II) Skilled plant seed collectors are becoming to revolutionary research at the University of Queensland.
rarer and rarer day by day, though. (III) The reason is that (II) The findings have been presented today in one of the
the US plans to plant billions of more trees in order to restore popular science magazines. (III) A global research team led
millions of acres of forest over the next 20 years. (IV) Moreover, by Dr Jingwei Hou, Professor Lianzhou Wang, and Professor
some 10 million acres of recently burned land are waiting to Vicki Chen has uncovered a technology that will enable us
be replanted in the West alone. (V) In the past few decades, to produce lighting LEDs and next-generation alloy glasses
however, the number of skilled seed collectors in the US has for smartphones, televisions, and computer screens. (IV) The
been dwindling, which means fewer seeds, and, ultimately, findings will enable the production of glass screens that provide
trees, which makes the country’s goal nearly impossible. crystal clear image quality as well as being unbreakable. (V)
This technology represents a major leap forward in perovskite
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
nanocrystal technology.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
8. (I) According to the data of the United Nations, about 5 per cent 11. (I) When Hollywood came to Maya Bay, Thailand in 1999 to film
of the world’s population lives in dry areas. (II) Among them, The Beach, it made headlines. (II) Tourists have descended
more than 100 million people continue their lives in deserts on this beach in droves since then, with up to 4,000 visitors
dominated by scorching winds, flying sands, and a desolation coming daily aboard boats. (III) The once-pristine beach was
that is difficult to describe. (III) It is astonishing that a place drained by heavy tourism, which damaged the natural life and
dominated by such harsh conditions and jacuzzis and massage forced the beach to be closed to visitors for four months. (IV)
chairs are on the same planet. (IV) On the other hand, it is It is located in an extraordinarily picturesque bay, surrounded
noteworthy that there are a substantial number of people living on three sides by 100-metre-high cliffs. (V) When it reopens
and surviving here. (V) In fact, there is a history of thriving at the end of September, they will set a daily visiting restriction
civilisations in our planet’s deserts, with a total population of of 2,000 people.
nearly 1 billion people.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
9. (I) Traditional Japanese houses are different from modern 12. (I) Volcanologists classify volcanoes according to the frequency
buildings. (II) Yosegi Zaiku is a technique of creating patterns of their eruption, and there are three types of volcanoes: active,
by joining wood together. (III) They express a deep poetic dormant, and extinct. (II) The reconstructed history indicates
response to nature, and they are more concerned with that huge amounts of carbon dioxide were released into the
achieving a satisfying relationship with the earth, water, atmosphere as a result of volcanic pulses. (III) That increased the
rocks, and trees than with establishing social order. (IV) This temperature and intensified the water cycle, thereby adding to the
approach is represented in the Katsura Detached Palace. rainfall and increasing runoff into lakes. (IV) As the rains created
(V) Its construction seems ordinary but, in reality, constitutes more and more wet environments, turtles, large amphibians,
a carefully considered sequence combined with scenery and dinosaurs began to flourish. (V) In the meantime, plants
focusing on or originating from outdoor features. growing on land developed, and humidity-loving flora started to
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V