P. 259

ENGLISH                                             2 ND
                                                Irrelevant Sentence-1

                                                               4.  (I) The Romantic Age is a term used to describe life and
           Cümleler   sırasıyla   okunduğunda   parçanın   anlam   literature in England in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth
           bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   centuries. (II) Many of the most important English writers of the
        1.  (I) In a study on the longevity of some cultures conducted at   period turned away from the values and ideas characteristic
            Yeshiva University in New York, it was determined that long-lived   of the Age of Reason toward what they perceived as a more
            people have two things in common. (II) These traits are a positive   daring, individual, and imaginative approach to both literature
            attitude and a high degree of emotional awareness. (III) In other   and  life.  (III) In  general,  they placed  the individual,  rather
            words, those who approach difficulties with a positive perspective   than society, at the centre of their vision. (IV) The Industrial
            and manage their emotions are on the road to longevity. (IV) The   Revolution helped make England prosperous and powerful,
            Stoic attitude, the calm attitude when faced with setbacks, keeps   but it involved the exploitation of the workers. (V) They tended
            you young, reduces anxiety and stress levels, and stabilises   to be optimists who believed in the possibility of progress and
            behaviour. (V) Research has been conducted on why residents   improvement for humanity as well as for individuals.
            of the island of Okinawa, located in the south of Japan, have lived   A) I    B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
            longer than people anywhere else in the world.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

                                                               5.  (I) In 1923, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck
        2.  (I) Local wildlife has been killed by a massive oil leak off
                                                                   the Kanto Plain on the Japanese island of Honshu, lasting
            the coast of California lately, which is threatening to destroy
                                                                   at least 4 minutes. (II) The ground was shaken so badly that
            surrounding wetlands. (II) Oil spills can have severe economic,
                                                                   the quake took its toll in places as far as Tokyo, Kanagawa,
            environmental, and social effects on society. (III) This incident
                                                                   and Yokohama.  (III) Besides the large-scale destruction, a
            has been the worst spill in the area since 1990, when an oil
                                                                   significant number of lives were lost because of the landslides
            tanker ran aground and spilt 1.6 million litres of crude oil,
                                                                   and fires caused by the earthquake.  (IV) Post-earthquake
            killing a number of fish and birds. (IV) The spill was originally
            discovered on Saturday, October 2 , and was suspected to   fires could cause a rapid collapse of structures damaged
                                                                   partially as a result of prior earthquakes. (V) The death toll
            be caused by a breach in a pipeline connecting an offshore
                                                                   due to this dreadful disaster is thought to be around 140,000.
            oil rig to the Californian coast, around 65 kilometres south of
            Los Angeles. (V) This coastline area and the nearby Talbert   A) I    B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
            Marsh wetlands host bird species, including pelicans, great
            blue herons, and the endangered Californian least tern.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        3.  (I) Researchers have uncovered dinosaur skin traces inside   6.  (I) Whenever you are online, you are bombarded by
            a set of one-inch-long footprints near Jinju—a city in South   photographs, news, articles, links, and stories trying to attract
            Korea.  (II)  The  extinction  wiped  out  the  dinosaurs  while   your attention.  (II)  Unfortunately,  not  all  of  them  are  true.
            most mammals, turtles, crocodiles, salamanders, and frogs   (III) Some of them want you to click on an advertisement on
            survived.  (III)  Finding well-preserved dinosaur soft tissue,   their own site, whereas others want to worry people for political
            such as skin and bones, is a rare occurrence. (IV) In fact, far   reasons.  (IV)  They  spread  quickly, and  mostly  they  turn  out
            less than one per cent of dinosaur tracks contain any kind   to be fake news.  (V) Experts in media studies and online
            of skin traces.  (V)  According to the researchers, the skin   psychology have been studying adverts on the Internet for a
            traces are around 100 million years old and represent a small   long time.
            carnivorous dinosaur known as Minisauripus, which was
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
            about the size of a blackbird.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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