P. 258

ENGLISH                                                                                      1  STEP

        7.  (I) Mysterious discoveries found in a Mexican cave provide   10.  (I) When Italy’s Sulmona-Carpinone train opened for service
            insight into ancient Maya rites.  (II) The cave’s walls are   in 1897, it was considered an engineering masterpiece as it
            covered in dozens of black and red handprints. (III) Thousands   could climb up steep slopes. (II) Its 73-mile route still remains
            of Maya people still reside in villages in Southeast Mexico,   the second-highest in the country. (III) The historic train shut
            Guatemala, and Belize.  (IV) According to archaeologists,   down in 2010 with the rise of the automobile and a mass
            these two colours have a meaning and might be connected   migration from the countryside to cities. (IV) The train’s closure
            to coming-of-age rituals in ancient Maya. (V) The handprints,   caused more than transportation troubles; it also blocked a
            which were largely done by youngsters, date back over 1,200   vital connection to the past. (V) For daily transportation, buses
            years, when Maya civilisation was at its pinnacle.     gradually replaced trains.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        8.  (I) Naim Süleymanoğlu, nicknamed ‘Pocket Hercules’, started   11.  (I) The Great Depression was the longest and deepest
            weightlifting in 1977 when he was nine years old. (II) At the   downturn in the history of the United States and the
            age of fifteen, he became the champion by winning two gold   modern industrial economy.  (II) Most economic historians
            medals at the World Junior Weightlifting Championships held   characterised it as a disaster because of its length, depth,
            in Brazil.  (III) The name of the national weightlifter, Naim   and consequences. (III) It lasted slightly more than a decade,
            Süleymanoğlu, was given to a street in Edirne. (IV) At the age   beginning in 1929 and ending during World War II.  (IV)
            of sixteen, he broke the world record and became champion   Throughout these years, industrial production came to a halt,
            again. (V) Thus, he became the youngest world record holder   unemployment soared, families suffered, and marriage rates
            in weightlifting history.                              fell  dramatically.  (V)  This  economic  disaster  began  in  the
                                                                   United States and spread around the globe.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        9.  (I)  The efficiency of an organisation depends on the   12.  (I) In November, when there are discount days at real and
            qualities of its leader. (II) Leadership can be defined as the   online markets, spending doubles. (II) Waiting at the cashier
            process of influencing others in a group, gathering them   due to not having enough cash or forgetting the wallet is
            around certain goals, and mobilising them to achieve set   an  annoying  situation  that  has  happened  to  many  people.
            goals. (III) A leader is one who creates visions and goals,   (III) However, carrying cash or having a physical wallet is no
            encourages business employees or group members to      longer a necessity thanks to the digital revolution we have
            share, and work towards achieving them.  (IV) The word   experienced  in the  last  decade.  (IV)  Instead, it  is possible
            ‘charisma’ is originally a Greek word and means ‘bestowed   to pay securely, quickly, and easily with payments carried
            divine ability to inspire’.  (V) Leaders are concerned with   to smartphones and ‘mobile wallets’.  (V)  Digital payment
            motivating their team to make change happen and        applications and mobile wallets have become widely preferred
            supporting the members’ vision for change.             in a very short time as they greatly facilitate life and shopping.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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