P. 263
Irrelevant Sentence-2
4. (I) Almost all children want to have a pet at home. (II) However,
Cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam the mother or father does not always look at it positively, and
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
they oppose this request with the concern that it will negatively
1. (I) It was discovered that coffee was made popular by Sufi affect the development of the child. (III) Experts say that
mystics in Yemen who used the drink as a way of staying having pets at home has positive effects on the development
awake during their nocturnal devotions. (II) By the 16 of a child. (IV) We should not forget the financial side of
century, it was well known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Türkiye. keeping a pet at home, such as food allowance, vaccination
(III) The number of coffee houses rapidly increased as people fee, etc. (V) They state that children who have animals are
used them as the centre of social activity and communication calmer, more tolerant towards events and people, and can
in the major cities of many countries in Europe. (IV) European learn to take responsibility at an early age.
travellers to the Near East told stories of this black beverage. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
(V) By the 17 century, it had made for Europe and became
popular all over the continent.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
5. (I) Family is one of the oldest and most fundamental
2. (I) The extreme drought in the western United States is
institutions in history. (II) The anthropologist G.P. Murdock,
drying up large water reserves, such as Lake Mendocino in
who conducted research on 350 primitive tribes, stated that
California. (II) The hotels in Mendocino cannot meet the tourist
he had never encountered any primitive society without family.
demand as the number of visitors has almost doubled since
(III) Although the structure of the family differs according
2010. (III) According to meteorologists, this is one of the worst
to time and place, it has always existed throughout human
droughts in the last 100 years. (IV) The tourist resort is only a
history and has been able to fulfil its functions. (IV) The family,
few metres away from the world’s largest reservoir, the Pacific
which has a multifaceted biological, psychological, economic,
Ocean, but unfortunately, the town is still running out of water.
and sociological relationship pattern, is an institution that
(V) Some homes and companies do not have enough water,
cannot be replaced and has no alternative. (V) Rehabilitation
even just to flush toilets, and have to pay thousands of dollars
of children exposed to domestic violence is only possible by
to get water from delivery trucks.
removing them from these families.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
3. (I) Proper nutrition reduces the risk of having serious diseases 6. (I) Ants are insects that live in organised communities.
and promotes overall health and well-being. (II) Scientists (II) Although they are seen in many parts of the world, they
classify nutrients into two main categories: essential and are more common in hot climates. (III) The length of the ants
non-essential. (III) Non-essential nutrients are manufactured ranges from 2 millimetres to 5 centimetres. (IV) Except for
in the body, so we do not need to obtain them from our food. their size, all ants are very similar to each other. (V) The
(IV) Such nutrients include cholesterol, a waxy, fat-like antennae also enable them to find and communicate with one
substance found in all animal cells. (V) Essential nutrients another.
like vitamins and minerals, however, must be obtained from
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
food sources because the body does not produce them.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V