P. 265

ENGLISH                                             2 ND
                                                Irrelevant Sentence-2

                                                               4.  (I) EBA, which is the abbreviation of the Turkish words ‘Eğitim
           Cümleler   sırasıyla   okunduğunda   parçanın   anlam   Bilişim Ağı’, meaning the Education Information Network, is a
           bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   platform which provides distance education facilities prepared
        1.  (I) Influencers are people who can influence the choices of   by the Ministry of National Education.  (II) Parents should
            their followers and who have expertise in a particular area   support their children in the online education process. (III) Our
            such as fashion, travel, or technology. (II) To be an influencer,   students can use EBA by entering their student passwords
            your bio should be different from others’. (III) They generally   over the internet on their computers and mobile phones. (IV)
            have a lot of supporters and fans who pay close attention   TRT EBA TV, on the other hand, according to classes, is a
            to their sharing. (IV) They have the power to persuade their   television channel that broadcasts lecture videos following
            followers to buy things.  (V) Thus, brands are now asking   the curriculum of the Ministry of National Education. (V) Our
            powerful ones to market their products.                children follow their lessons on TRT EBA TV, and they use
                                                                   EBA for lesson repetitions, subject deficiencies, and questions.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        2.  (I)  While other sports failed to survive the pandemic, golf   5.  (I) Whatever your circumstances, the end of your working
            prospered, becoming more popular than it had been in   life affects you in a variety of ways, some for the better and
            decades. (II) The world closed down in 2020, and golf clubs   others in unexpected or even terrible ways. (II) If your career
            were concerned about their solvency and if people would   is physically exhausting, unfulfilling, or leaves you burned out,
            play golf again.  (III)  However,  there  has  been  a  revival.                      retirement can make you feel as if a huge weight were lifted off
            (IV) Because golf is an outdoor sport, it is seen as less risky in   your shoulders. (III) However, if you like your job, consider it
            terms of the pandemic, and thus, many people have flocked   rewarding, and form your social life around it, retiring might be
            to the golf courses. (V) Today, there are fewer golfers in the   more difficult. (IV) Things can be especially difficult if you have
            United States, down 50,000 or 2 per cent from 2019, the   made personal or family sacrifices for your profession, have
            lowest drop in 17 years.                               been forced to retire before you are ready, or have health
                                                                   difficulties that limit what you can do now. (V) According to a
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   continuing study, retirees, particularly those in their first year
                                                                   of retirement, are around 40 per cent more likely to have a
                                                                   heart attack or stroke than those who continue to work.
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        3.  (I)  The nucleus of a cell controls what happens inside the   6.  (I) Humility, which is also understood as unpretentiousness,
            cell, along with the jobs the cell does and the proteins it   is  not  only  one  of  the  most  important  moral  values  that
            produces. (II) The nucleus is able to do this since it contains   determines the structure of interpersonal relations but also a
            complicated instructions called genes, which are made of   desirable character trait. (II) One of the features that increases
            long strands of a chemical called DNA.  (III) Researchers   the spiritual wealth of a person is patience. (III) It is not to
            have found that exposure to chemicals and food choices can   treat those who are economically or culturally inferior to them
            alter the mechanism of DNA and lead to changes in genetic   as small, not to belittle them, and not to pretend to be great
            activities. (IV) DNA, which has a long, thin shape similar to a   among their peers. (IV) In other words, it is not to be smug
            twisted ladder, is the substance that genes are made of. (V)   and arrogant. (V) Instead, there is modesty, consent, and a
            Each cell contains 46 long strands of DNA, which are called   desire for success only for peace of mind.
            chromosomes, and each of these chromosomes has many
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
            different genes along with it.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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