P. 267

ENGLISH                                             3 RD
                                                Irrelevant Sentence-2

                                                               4.  (I) High levels of humidity in the air can cause mustiness
           Cümleler   sırasıyla   okunduğunda   parçanın   anlam   and discomfort and  create an  environment susceptible  to
           bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   the growth of mould and pest infestation.  (II) Therefore, it
                                                                   is imperative that dehumidifying machines be utilised if the
             2021 YDT
                                                                   relative humidity is above 50 per cent indoors.  (III) Every
        1.  (I) Sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface goes through air   homeowner is advised to own a hygrometer which measures
            molecules and water droplets in the atmosphere, causing the   relative humidity and temperature. (IV) These machines, also
            light to scatter in all directions. (II) The amount of scattering,   known as dehumidifiers, are appliances which reduce the
            just like the reflection of light, depends on the wavelength   levels of humidity in the air. (V) Their working principle is to
            of light.  (III) For example, violet light is scattered 16 times   extract and remove water from the air so that indoor humidity
            more than red light. (IV) The sky appears blue, and not violet,   will decrease.
            because the eye is more sensitive to blue. (V) The shorter
            wavelengths are scattered more strongly in all directions, so   A) I    B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
            that more light of this portion of the spectrum is seen by the
            naked eye.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

            2020 YDT
        2.  (I) Water is of such great importance that it makes up   5.  (I)  When you transact online, your personal data, account
            almost two thirds of the human body by weight. (II) It plays   information, and credit card number are exposed over the
            a fundamental role in digestion and absorption and in the   internet.  (II) This can make it easier for criminals lurking in
            elimination of indigestible metabolic waste. (III) Water for the   cyberspace to hack your account.  (III) Known as hackers,
            body is obtained primarily by drinking and ingesting food as   they may use your identity for illegal and fraudulent activities
            well as through internal chemical reactions. (IV) Water also   or make massive money transfers from your account. (IV) The
            serves as the basis of the circulatory system, which uses   verification of whether the person entering information online
            blood to distribute nutrients to the entire body. (V) Moreover,   is the same one he / she claims to be is, however, possible with
            water helps maintain body temperature by expelling excess   fingerprint authentication. (V) If you want to protect yourself
            heat through the skin via sweat and evaporation.       from falling victim to such criminal misdeeds, you should start
                                                                   using Internet security software.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

            2020 YDT
        3.  (I) Creativity tests, mostly devised over the last thirty years,   6.  (I) With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in the world,
            are  aimed  at  assessing  the  qualities  and  abilities  that   the closure of international borders for all types of mobility,
            constitute creativity. (II) These tests evaluate mental abilities   including foreign trade activities, affected the strongest
            in ways that are different from - and even diametrically   economies  of  the  world,  such  as  the  European  Union
            opposed to - conventional intelligence tests. (III) Because the   countries and the USA.  (II) Although there are regional
            kinds of abilities measured by creativity tests differ from those   differences, a downward trend in export and import activities
            measured by intelligence quotient (IQ) tests, persons with the   is observed in general. (III) Only the changes in the foreign
            highest scores on creativity tests do not necessarily have the   trade of medicinal products are different.  (IV) If the effects
            highest IQs. (IV) Most creativity tests in use today are based   of the pandemic in the world last longer than expected, it is
            at least partially on the theory of creativity evolved by J.P.   foreseen that the production of new remedies for foreign trade
            Guilford in the 1950s. (V) Creative people tend to have IQs   will be the most important step. (V) The longer the pandemic
            that are at least average if not above average, but beyond a   continues, the more economic crisis will be experienced,
            score of 120 there is little correlation between performance on   raising concerns about financial sustainability, especially for
            intelligence and creativity tests.                     highly indebted countries.

            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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