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ENGLISH                                                                                     3  STEP

        7.  (I) One in five European butterflies is thought to be threatened   10.  (I) Some philosophers, such as Plato and Descartes,
            by intensive farming methods. (II) Agriculture is considered   suggested  that certain  things  are inborn  or that  they occur
            the main factor in the loss of species worldwide. (III) However,   naturally regardless of environmental influences. (II) In other
            when it comes to protecting the grasslands for the butterflies,   words, what children are endowed with at birth plays an
            birds and other insects that live there, agriculture, depending   important role in their personality development.  (III) Some
            on how it is practised, can be either a positive or negative   others, like John Locke, believed in what is known as a tabula
            force. (IV) Intensive farming, for example, is clearly bad for   rasa, which suggests that the mind begins as a blank slate.
            biodiversity. (V) Very few wild plants and animals can survive   (IV) Based on these two views, psychology tries to determine
            practices like planting vast fields with a single crop, pesticide   whether the behaviours of humans stem from their genetics or
            use,  and  frequent  mowing  and  ploughing  of  this  farming   whether they result from environmental factors. (V) However,
            method.                                                it has not been able to reach a clear conclusion as to which
                                                                   one affects human behaviour more.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

                                                               11.  (I) Sustainable development is the economic policies
        8.  (I) Many nutritionists recommend daily consumption of
                                                                   implemented without endangering the needs of future
            oatmeal, for it has a lot of health benefits.  (II) With a high
                                                                   generations.  (II) In other words, it is to ensure the transfer
            content of complex carbohydrates and soluble fibres, oatmeal
                                                                   of natural resources to future generations without depletion
            can help stabilise blood glucose levels and better the digestion
                                                                   by establishing a balance between the continuity of human
            process.  (III) It can also lower cholesterol and reduce the
                                                                   activities and nature.  (III)  As the concept has evolved, its
            chances of heart disease if combined with a low-fat diet. (IV)
                                                                   focus  has  shifted  more  towards  economic  development,
            The oatmeal diet can be quite beneficial, seeing that it is a
                                                                   social development, and environmental protection for future
            rich, fibrous diet plan, yet it may not be easy to follow. (V)
                                                                   generations. (IV) Therefore, the United Nations has set out the
            Its high vitamin B content can assist the body with smooth,
                                                                   Sustainable Development Goals, or Global Goals, which can
            efficient digestion and converting food into energy.
                                                                   be considered a universal call to action to eradicate poverty,
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                protect our planet, and ensure that all people live in peace
                                                                   and welfare. (V) The promotion of renewable sources such
                                                                   as solar and wind power is strongly supported in international
                                                                   opinion polls.
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        9.  (I) Red wolf population dramatically decreased in the early   12.  (I) Sociological thinking is based on the idea that human
            1900s in the south-central and eastern United States, where   beings act according to cultural and historical influences, not
            they were once plentiful. (II) A few decades later, they were   with their own decisions. (II) They also focus on the demands
            classified as threatened with extinction. (III) At the Alligator   and expectations of others and behave accordingly. (III) That
            River National Wildlife Refuge in 1987, recovery efforts in   is why social interaction is probably the basic sociological
            the wild began. (IV) Thanks to these recovery attempts, the   concept  because it  is  the main  part of  all  relationships
            population started to increase, yet not as much as initially   that  constitute  human  society.  (IV)  By  interacting  with  one
            expected. (V) All the species like red wolves are taken under   another, people design rules, institutions, and systems within
            protection by the authorities.                         which they seek to live. (V) Sociologists who study the details
                                                                   of particular interactions in daily life are sometimes called
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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