P. 261
Irrelevant Sentence-1
4. (I) Ancient towns and cities held entire cultures in their
Cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam busy streets: rulers and workers, foods and fights, markets
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
and temples, children, and so on. (II) When these cities
2019 YDT faded, those human experiences faded away, too. (III) An
archaeologist’s job is to reimagine those stories, step by step.
1. (I) An elephant has a very large brain for its size and the
(IV) However, challenges to the preservation of these ancient
‘temporal lobe’ region responsible for memory is more
cities remain. (V) Slowly but carefully, such a process requires
developed. (II) The fascination with elephant memory has
them to do their job in this way.
only been around for the last 200 years or so. (III) This results
in powerful abilities to ‘download’ important survival data such A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
as where to find food and water, and who is friend or foe. (IV)
The matriarch of a herd may recognise over 200 individual
elephants and can react to the call of a deceased member
of her herd two years after their death. (V) During droughts,
these grandma elephants lead family members to waterholes
by recalling detailed maps they have made spanning hundreds
of kilometres.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
2020 YDT
2. (I) The Industrial Revolution brought great wealth to factory 5. (I) The term ‘universal grammar’ has been used to describe
owners and made basic goods such as food and clothing the knowledge that children innately have. (II) The language
cheaper than ever before. (II) During the Industrial Revolution, acquisition device, abbreviated as LAD, was put forward
a great majority of workers in factories were children; as a by Noam Chomsky to explain how children can learn any
result, accidents were very common. (III) However, the language within only a few years following birth when
Industrial Revolution also created a new kind of poverty. (IV) exposed to it. (III) He argued that all humans are born with
Large numbers of people moved to the cities in search of the knowledge of what makes a human language. (IV) Details
work, where they were packed into crowded, dirty housing. of important characteristics of all the world’s languages are
(V) Many were unemployed and ended up in prison for debt, included in this innate knowledge. (V) Children, therefore, can
or forced to move into harsh lodgings called workhouses, easily choose the grammar rules of the language that they
where they performed hard labour for low wages. learn and apply them when necessary.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
3. (I) A new artificial intelligence (AI), which can recognise smells 6. (I) Sümeyye Boyacı became the only athlete to represent
in a more reliable and efficient way than other algorithms, Türkiye at the Indianapolis World Paralympic Swimming
has been introduced. (II) What makes this system different Series in the United States. (II) She was trying to do her best
from other AI is that it can keep learning new fragrances during a competition. (III) She attended the world series held
without forgetting others. (III) The secret of its success is its between April 4 and 6. (IV) She took part in five competitions,
neuromorphic structure which resembles the neural networks including 50-metre backstroke, freestyle, butterfly, 100-metre
in mammalian brains more than other AI designs. (IV) freestyle, and 200-metre freestyle events. (V) She left her
Both artificial intelligence and machine learning are sets of competitors behind in her main competitive category, the
algorithms; however, they differ from each other depending 50-metre backstroke, and won the gold medal.
on the data they receive. (V) Such an algorithm, which is A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
exceptionally good at detecting a great variety of smells while
continually learning on the job, could someday be used for
toxic waste detection or air quality monitoring.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V