P. 271

ENGLISH                                             2 ND
                                                Irrelevant Sentence-3

                                                               4.  (I) An international team of researchers compiled all available
           Cümleler   sırasıyla   okunduğunda   parçanın   anlam   thermal infrared photos of Neptune acquired over nearly two
           bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.
                                                                   decades by numerous observatories.  (II) The researchers
        1.  (I) The hats play the most crucial role in developing fairy   were able to paint a more thorough picture of Neptune’s
            chimneys, which are mostly made of hefty rock bodies on   temperature  patterns than  ever before by  analysing  the
            conical stems.  (II) Because the caps’ sections are harder   data collected.  (III) The excellent sensitivity of the space
            than the field, it protects the body, which is rising in the shape   telescope’s mid-infrared instrument, MIRI, will  provide
            of a cone and is relatively soft. (III) The fairy chimneys’ body   unprecedented new maps of Neptune’s surface, helping to
            portions are made of tuffite, volcanic ash, and tuff, while the   better describe the nature of the planet in the future. (IV) To
            hat parts are made of hard, durable rocks like ignimbrite and   the researchers’ surprise, these collective datasets reveal a
            sarcophagus. (IV) That’s why, hard hats are weighed down   decline in Neptune’s thermal brightness since reliable thermal
            to make tapered bodies more resistant to wind damage.   imaging began in 2003. (V) It revealed that global-averaged
            (V) In addition to the fairy chimneys, the underground cities   temperatures in Neptune’s stratosphere, the layer of the
            were built, allowing the people living here to hide, and they   atmosphere directly above its active weather layer, decreased
            have become the living space for thousands of people.  by approximately 8  C between 2003 and 2018.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        2.  (I) There are numerous options available to customers when
            purchasing dietary supplements, including picking from
            product categories and specific goods, as well as selecting the
            firm or source from which they would get their supplements.   5.  (I) Honor, a ten-month-old miniature horse, visited some
            (II) However, it is vital that you consider some tips if you are   young patients in a New York hospital who were well enough
            planning to use or are already using a dietary supplement.   to meet him in person. (II) There are currently around 9.2
            (III) One of them is to get information about whether a dietary   million horses in the USA, consisting of a lot of different
            supplement  is safe  to take  and whether  it actually  works.   breeds.  (III)  Many  others  watched  from their  rooms  and
            (IV) Nearly eighty-five per cent of those who responded to   isolation wards.  (IV)  Gentle Carousel Miniature Therapy
            the study agreed that multivitamins and calcium or vitamin D   Horses, a non-profit organisation, plans the 81-inch-long
            supplements could assist in satisfying nutrient needs when   horse’s trips to many hospitals across the United States to
            targeted intakes were not accomplished only through meals.   boost the spirits of young patients. (V) The executive director
            (V) For this reason, it would be a good idea if you consulted   of this organization explains that horses are very sensitive
            a healthcare professional about any complementary health   animals, so they are very intuitive about what others are
            items or practices before purchasing and beginning to use   doing, needing, and feeling, which is very motivating for
                                                                   children who are under treatment in hospitals.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
                                                                   A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

        3.  (I)  Human intervention is the most common factor when
            it comes to species decline. (II) Loss of habitat, the spread
            of invasive species, hunting, pollution, disease, and loss of
            genetic  variation are all  causes of  species decline  and  are   6.  (I) Do you know where the world’s most powerful and fastest
            usually the result of human activities. (III) For instance, the
                                                                   computer is? (II) It is in your skull; the human brain is a highly
            bald eagle’s habitat has been affected by the increase in   complex calculating machine.  (III) It has around 100 billion
            human population in North America, increased hunting of
                                                                   neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion synapses connecting them.
            eagles for sport has reduced their population size, and the   (IV) With the help of these junctions, it receives, processes,
            use of the pesticide DDT on farms has harmed the animal’s
                                                                   and transmits millions of messages to assist you in sensing,
            ability to reproduce. (IV) The bird’s population declined rapidly   making decisions, and controlling your body every minute.
            over the first half of the 20  century, and the species was
                                                                   (V) Sense organs, such as ears and eyes, gather information
            listed as endangered in 1978. (V) Categorising a species as
            endangered has to do with its range and habitat as well as its   from outside your body and transfer it to your brain, allowing
                                                                   you to understand what is happening around you.
            actual population.
            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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